ELCA Pastrix Encourages Congregation to Defy ICE, Aid and Abet Illegal Immigrants

Lura Groen is the pastrix of All Saints Lutheran Church in Bowie, MD, and has the distinction of being the grossest clergy we’ve ever written about. She’s claimed that Jesus was trying to SEDUCE the woman at the well, said that there are lesbian angels’ who ‘consensually’ flirt with queer Christian women, compared the mystery of the Trinity to the luridness of sadomasochism and BDSM, and insisted that Jesus is not exclusively wed to his church of believers. She’s argued that  Christians are but one of many ‘brides of Christ’ because the Lord is “poly” and has ‘other lovers’ of different religions and faiths.

During a recent sermon, Groen tells her congregation that there are “social, cultural, political rules and legal rules” that are not working and need to be defied. She suggests that folks need to be ready to “break” the rules and give material aid to illegal immigrants, once the deportations begin.

Im going to posit to you that in the upcoming political culture, there might be moments when some of us are called to break the rules a little bit more than we have before, for the sake of protection of other people.

Now, different people are gonna do that at different levels and in different ways, right? Some people, and I know that some of you all have been to marches before, have been to protests before, are marching, protesting sort of people, I have done that before too. Some of us might go to marches and protests where we follow, the protest is permitted, we follow every rule imaginable.

Some of us might go to protests where we risk arrest because we want to draw attention to an injustice. I’ve done that before. I didn’t get arrested, but I risked arrest. I have done that before. Some of us might be called to be much more directive and interfere if we see something really terrifying happening.

If it happens, and I do not know if it does, I do not know if it will, but people are scared, if it happens that there is a large mobilization against immigrants in our country, if that happens, some of us might need to be prepared to be a little bit more ‘in the gap’, protective of immigrants than we have before.

She continues:

The church, and I’m standing solidly in church Orthodox practice and things that churches have done before. The church has historically been a place of sanctuary for immigrants at its best, right? At its best, that has happened at many places in the world, including our own country, that when people come for immigrants, churches say, “here is a place of sanctuary. You can hide and be protected here.”

And I think it’s worth a conversation. If our worst fears come true, and there is a mobilization against immigrants, what would we as a church do?

And I’m going to say that if that happens, we as a church are going to talk about how a piece of paper, a document, does not determine someone’s human worth. Right? That an immigrant, as a human being, as a sibling that we care about, we can have many, many, many, many, many political opinions about what our immigration policy should or should not be and what the legality should or should not be, but that those discussions do not impact the fact that a person, their worth, and their dignity, and their need for safety is not dependent upon a piece of paper.

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