Telling wives to snitch on their husbands. Cryptic warnings about illegal words. Opinion-based anathemas. Forbidden ideas. Thought Crimes. When did clergy in Reformed evangelicalism start acting like the Secret Police? It might be true that some have warned for years that a certain segment of Reformed evangelicalism has harbored politically incorrect ideas. But it's also true that people have warned for years that Elder Rule has led some to heavy-handed power trips. Perhaps they're both right. You can't believe that certain ethnic or religious groups have historically had besetting sins, and you certainly can't say it out loud. If...
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Jews, Atheists, Muslims, Buddhists, Hindues, should NOT be allowed to hold political office because they are all foreign invaders and going to hell. Why should people who are evil Satan worshipers, foreigners, and going to hell, be allowed to run OUR government? Period.
One of the 12 men Jesus called to be his disciples was a man named “Simon the Zealot”. The Zealots held to fanatical political views.
Do you think that Simon the Zealot likely held some historical beliefs that were uncouth?
Yet where in the gospels did Jesus correct Simon the Zealot’s “unacceptable” views of history? Apparently his views were not a hinderance to his receiving the gospel and placing his trust in Christ alone.
No Experience Needed, No Boss Over il Your FD Shoulder… Say Goodbye To Your Old Job! Limited Number Of Spots
Jews, Atheists, Muslims, Buddhists, Hindues, should NOT be allowed to hold political office because they are all foreign invaders and going to hell. Why should people who are evil Satan worshipers, foreigners, and going to hell, be allowed to run OUR government? Period.
One of the 12 men Jesus called to be his disciples was a man named “Simon the Zealot”. The Zealots held to fanatical political views.
Do you think that Simon the Zealot likely held some historical beliefs that were uncouth?
Yet where in the gospels did Jesus correct Simon the Zealot’s “unacceptable” views of history? Apparently his views were not a hinderance to his receiving the gospel and placing his trust in Christ alone.