Christian Podcast Banned From Patreon For Stupidest Reason Possible

The Reformation Red Pill podcast has been permanently deplatformed by Patreon over false claims that they sell literal red pills, which the crowdfunding giant claims are a violation of the company’s terms and service regarding offering funds for ingestible items.
Hosted by Joshua Haymes and Brooks Potteiger, the discussion on the Reformation Red Pill podcast runs the gamut between eschatology, baptism, theonomy, Kuyperian sphere sovereignty, and more, with recent shows covering theonomy, Dr. James White’s journey to Postmillenialmsim, political theology, arguing for paedobaptism, a few swipes at Daily Wire contributor Matt Walsh, and a discussion of the fall of Steve Lawson.
Despite their straight-up teaching of Reformed theology, buttressed by the notions of being “red-pilled” into these truths, the Trust and Safety team at Patreon has removed the account altogether, explaining:
Ingestible items: Ingestible items (e.g. food ingredients, spices, medications, vitamins, supplements), drug paraphernalia, and educational materials claiming to help cure disease may neither be sold nor offered as membership benefits on Patreon.

Again, to be clear, they don’t sell red pills.
In an extended post on Twitter, Haymes blames the de-platforming on being ‘Too Christian.’ He writes that the podcast was one of the primary revenue streams he had access to, which was helping support him and his new endeavor, The Forge (a site that provides family worship and ministry resources to Christians), until it was “pulled out from under me.”
Today I Was CANCELLED For Being Too Christian! Help me fight back! (Please REPOST)
For the last year and a half, I have been laboring to start a Christian media business called [The Forge]. Today… After over a year of building, I had one of my primary income streams pulled out from under me. Namely… Our [Reformation Red Pill] PATREON.
Today I was completely de-platformed from Patreon. And for what? Violating their “community guidelines.” Apparently their “community guidelines” exclude orthodox Christianity entirely.
ALL my content is designed to equip Christians to build, defend, and expand the kingdom of Christ. If you’re a Christian who believes we should apply the word of God to all of life, Patreon HATES you. If you’re a Christian creator who has your exclusive content on Patreon…
They can de-platform you in a heartbeat and steal your livelihood from you, all because you refuse to bow the knee to their Marxist, secular, leftist religion. Patreon, and other companies like them are actively trying to excise true Christianity from the public square. The truth is, Patreon understands that if we Christians are successful at getting our message out, their whole leftist political agenda will fall to pieces! CHRIST IS KING! HIS GOSPEL IS FOR ALL WHO WILL REPENT AND BELIEVE! AND HIS WORD IS TO BE APPLIED TO ALL OF LIFE!
This message is dangerous and they know it. And so big tech companies like Patreon try to kill little Christian content creators in the cradle. We may have just lost a third of our income… But the truth is, I am grateful! Now we know where Patreon stands. EVERY SINGLE Christian content creator should pay close attention. It’s time to ditch Patreon! We should make Patreon the next Budlight!
But that is the way the internet works. Take for exam,ple Julie Roys. I was an early commenter at her blog. She started moderating my comments early on, when I challenged her. I am never angry nor vindictive. At leat by God’s grace I attempt not to be. Then she stopped posting my comments, so I posted pseudonymously and eventually she cancelled me there as well. Then I recently became active on my X account, and she blocked me after 2 comments. She claims to be a journalist, and wants to be acvcepted as such, but she cannot stand dissenting voices. I was a member of Bethlehem Baptist (think Piper) and am personal friends with John Piper, and when I comment and drop his name, she’ll post my comments. Especially when the whole woke/Andy Naselli/Takata/Jason Meyer/Bryan Pickering kerfuffle happened. Oh, she wanted my insider info then. But not otherwise. Not as big as this, but the same. She is a fake. Fake journalist. Pretender of journalism, who in reality is a purveyor of the false narratives of the left of center pseudo Christianity of victims always 100% reliable garbage.