Pastor Sentenced to 50 Years in Prison for Raping His Own Children

A former Arkansas pastor has been sentenced to 50 years in prison after being found guilty of sexually abusing three of his own children, all of who were under the age of 14.
James Edwin Cowan, 46, is the former pastor of Little River Community Church in Winthrop, Arkansas. Though initially charged with 28 counts of rape, he pled guilty to three of them and was sentenced to five decades in prison, though a swift execution would have been far more apropos.
Cowan’s then-wife (now ex-wife), Mary Cowan Miller (featured below) has also been charged with multiple counts of permitting child abuse and endangering the welfare of a minor.

According to reports, her then-husband James confessed to her that he was raping their children, but she did nothing about it and did not report the crimes to law enforcement. An affidavit obtained by The Roys Report explains:

That is to say, Mary heard that he raped their children and did nothing about it for several days, during which he continued sexually abusing them.
Miller’s currently out on bail after paying a $75,000 bond, and her trial begins on March 10.
Inmates do not like those who mess with kids. Right or wrong, some “poetic justice” will be coming his way.
Evil exists and even thrives within the church.
Imv, most churches, here at least but also in Mexico, are business enterprises. The start of my awakening to this involved a Catholic Father in Culiacan who rode around in a black limousine and looked down his nose at a small girl dressed in clothes made from throwaways of her father and was barefoot. Her “sin” was to greet the man reeking of wealth with a, “muy buenas dia, Padre.” The second was reading a newspaper article of a well known national priest who had announced his “retirement” and ride-off to live off his “pension”. People must beware and think. Of course, this monster’s abused children were too young to make adult decisions.
Religion lives within the person and their curiosity and striving to understand.
This minister who raped his children got off lucky. He. Should be swiftly executed, then God could judge him!
He will. He will die in prison well before he completes his sentence.
Child rapists are looked down on, and even lower are parents who rape their own children.
There is always a blindspot in every prison. It’s referred to as a dead zone.
he should die, and when he does die Satan will torture him for eternity.
Christianity is a lie created by Jews.
Blow it out your you-know-what. Always a Christian hater on these sights. I guess when atheists do it, it’s expected and ignored.
The only real justice will come at the hands of inmates who hate child molesters.
Horrible, horrible. Now, how about turning our attention to NAMBLA, transgenders, and homosexuals who seem be given a pass on raping our kids and older teens.
Wait a minute. He should fry, yes. But what about the mother? She found out about it and had a seizure. He was arrested the next day. Seems she didn’t have much time to do a lot if she was that sick. And who told the police so that he could be arrested? Probably the older daughter that the mother called because the mother was obviously distraught & too sick. I feel there is just too much being left out of this story & people are having kneejerk reactions without thinking it through.
A nation, that lacks the National will, to put rabid dogs down, is doomed to fail.
I blame the Brotherhood of the Cloth (EVERY lawyer, judge and lawgiver) for what I have seen happen to Justice in the USA, and the world, in my lifetime.
Every lawyer, judge and lawgiver, will have ther FAIR, 3 minute tribunal before they are served Justice.