UMC Ministry Launches Hotline Staffed With Chaplains To Help Traumatized Congregants Cope With Trump Win

The United Methodist Church continues to be a simmering cauldron of every vile and aberrant theology conceived in hell, which is why it is almost exclusively populated by weak men and women who are led around by their feelings and fleshly desires rather than the indwelling of the Holy Spirit.
Enter Reconciling Ministries, an organization “committed to intersectional justice across and beyond the United Methodist connection, working for the full participation of all LGBTQ+ people throughout the life and leadership of the Church.” In their role, they have over 1100 UMC congregations affiliated with them. In light of President Trump’s decisive victory over Harris, they launched a hotline for traumatized, depressed, or otherwise anxious Methodists to vent and receive emotional support.

The hotline is staffed with LGBTQ-affirming pastors and chaplains, and a quick perusal of the comments demonstrates how badly these folk need it, with one woman lamenting that she hadn’t gotten out of bed since hearing the news, and impastor Valerie Ohle sharing her tale of woe and suffering.
“I have been in constant congregational and pastoral care mode since last night. The majority of my congregation is LGBTQ. The family renting our parsonage is here legally, but only speaks Spanish. We are one of only 4 fully inclusive churches in our ultra-conservative county and new folks are reaching out. My own grief will just have to wait its turn. Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayers.”

Oh, the humanity!!!
Wow I guess “standing firm” is a bridge too far. Where is your faith ? I wouldn’t have been thrilled if Harris won, but Id just have to pray harder for my nation. What’s the issue? T supports Christianity instead of arresting people for praying near abortion clinics. Think of the folks in NC who’ve lost everything and are living in a tent. Is your life really destroyed by an election? These UMC people will crumble if we should get our national comeuppance from provoking Russia or permitting unvetted terrorists in through the open border ( all under Biden/Harris). Coddling the mopey teenager behavior doesn’t build character or fortify your faith.
Uh huh, these perverted, degenerate fakes and frauds are only aggrieved at the prospect of not being able to extort, coerce, or otherwise force born again, Bible-believing Christians to tolerate, accept, and affirm their abominable sin. They thought they had mass approval and acceptance, and now the truth has hit home that they may not. If they had any sense, they’d be more concerned about what the Lord will say about it on judgment day. If they think losing an election is bad, they should consider what’s 4 years compared to eternity. Best repent of their sin and truly submit to the Lord before it is too late.
It amazes me how fast the UMC has fallen. Not too many years ago, they just gave a fraction of an inch. One thing led to another. Now they’re calling abominable sin “holy”. And somehow in their reprobate mind that’s supposed to make sense. This is why God says not to give them any tolerance or pity at all. It’s a disease that spreads faster than wildfire. The phrase “purge the evil from among you” in 1 Cor. 5 is quoted from passages in Duet, which also stress that our “eye shall not pity”. Don’t give them even a fraction of an inch. Zero tolerance. Don’t jeer and ridicule them. Don’t associate with them. Don’t speak to them. The distress they’re feeling is just a slight taste of the consequences of their sin. If they think being rejected by tens of millions of voters is bad, how much worse will it be for them when Jesus Himself rejects them permanently for all of eternity, as they hear Him say, “depart from me, ye workers of iniquity”? There’s no bad feeling possible in this life that could remotely come close to the ultimate, complete, total, final, and permanent rejection they will face if they do not repent.
Exactly! Well said