A Repository of Racist Tweets by Corey J. Mahler

Corey J. Mahler is a two-bit theologian with a few thousand Twitter followers who occasionally gets noticed after one of his particularly offensive tweets goes viral. We’ve sometimes interacted with him, mainly to be decried whenever we share our support for interracial marriage and the intermingling of races.
To put more of a point on it, Mahler, who co-hosts the openly racist podcast Stone Choir, is a sad, sniveling, pitiful, apostate racist who should be marked and avoided. Far from being even remotely considered a brother, he mocks the Christian faith by pretending to adorn himself with it, even as he despises it.
All the while, his worldview is indistinguishable from an 11-year-old atheist who just discovered 8chan and spent a weekend free-basing its archives, getting a thrill from the smattering of attention he gets when he says naughty words about Jews and black ppl. It would be tragic if it weren’t so pathetic and a waste of a life.
Despite claiming to be a Lutheran, he was recently formally excommunicated from his denomination, the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod (LCMS)] after calling for like-minded white supremacist friends to take it over and remake it in his own Naziesque image and essence, having bizarre delusions of grandeur while caught up in Volkish paganism.
Mahler sought to lead a coup against the leadership by claiming they were woke and pro-pedophile, lies which he fabricated and propagated through misinformation about the recently published Large Catechism. He claimed he was going to “save” the denomination by bringing in young men who believe as he does and that “the Millennials who will replace the feckless, spineless, degenerate boomers will be sure to settle accounts and amend the errors of the past century.”
Of course, this involved obstreperously attacking not only faithful LCMS members, but repeatedly and unreservedly slandering his neighbors and members of his church/ denomination, especially non-white ones, which 1 Corinthians 5: 9-13 is very clear is cause for expulsion from the church.
While his church never published his charging document, most of the charges focused on unrepentant hatred of his neighbors, along with his obvious racism. Couple that with years of posts like this (below), and you get the point of why they chose to part ways with him.
To that end, here is a quick repository for whenever someone needs a quick reference for his anti-Christ hatred. This list will be updated sporadically.

Why bring attention to this guy?
Nobody needs to be warned about this person.
He’s an idiot or controlled opposition, in which case he’s an idiot.
Even if he denies the holocaust and mass murder, Hitler was still the head of a party that was formed in a gay bar, a man who slept around with several women (and possibly men, like rohm), refused to marry in order to appeal to women (and women voted for him in historic numbers). He was a thief and liar. He believed and followed the occult. He was a darwinist who denied the Creator. The man was an obvious unrepentant sinner.
Most everybody reading already knows all that history, but the reason I posted was because I was curious about the picture with the large cross. Considering the fact that one of the first things the nazis did was to remove all religious symbols from the schools, and that their goal was to replace religion with science (see “Hitler’s Table Talk”), it would’ve been extremely unusual for them to have erected a large cross for a rally.
Turns out they didn’t. A reverse image search reveals that particular picture is of the Tannenberg Memorial from WWI, and the picture he posted is from that era. Though it appears Hitler did give a speech at that location at some point in time, the nazis certainly did not erect that large cross.
He could be a fed. The FBI is obviously interested in covert ops against churches that are not yet fully in league with the Dems.
It wouldn’t surprise me.
To a pathetic cowards everyone is a fed, because he needs an instant excuse for doing nothing while his children are losing the only place they have to call home.
“sought to lead a coup against the leadership by claiming they were woke and pro-pedophile, lies which he fabricated and propagated through misinformation about the recently published Large Catechism”
Why in the world are you defending that very woke Larger Catechism edition? Have you taken the trouble to look into the essays for yourselves?
I’m not on Twitter so I have little knowledge of or interest in Mr. Mahler.
Protestia should be reporting on the rot in the LCMS rather than using an obscure idiot as an excuse for defending them.
Can you disprove any of his claims? Or show which one of his stances is unbiblical?
Based and JQ-pilled!
Thanks for this great repository of Corey’s gems.
Why don’t you have an open debate with Corey, little coward?
> We’re constantly getting kneecapped and constrained by tech companies
LOL, what a grifting liar.