Church Gets Reprimanded by Denomination for Buying Gas Heaters for Building, Rather Than Using Eco-Friendly Alternatives

A church in the UK has been branded as “embarrassing” by Anglican church leaders and reprimanded by a church court after they purchased a new gas heater to heat their building, rather than seek out a more environmentally-friendly solution.
Earlier this year, Holy Church Cross in Fenham, Newcastle, needed to upgrade its heaters, which it estimated to cost $42,500. They put down a $22,000 nonrefundable deposit to purchase new gas heaters but failed to get permission from the Diocese beforehand, which was livid at hearing the news.
The Consistory Court of the Diocese of Newcastle caught wind of this purcahse and called out the church for not purchasing an eco-friendly boiler or greener alternative, arguing that this purchase would now make it more difficult for the denomination to reach its goal of net zero carbon emission by 2030.
The court Chancellor overseeing the decision, Judge Simon Wood, was highly irritated at this grave sin within the Church of England and ordered the church to enter a “carbon offsetting scheme” to make up for the emissions of the new system and draw up a “plan” to help it” “make a meaningful contribution to net zero,” according to the Telegraph.
Wood added, “This has been an embarrassing episode in the governance of Holy Cross, which it is hoped will not be repeated.”