Bill Gates Declares Need For New World Religion Created from A.I.

Bill Gates, the mega-rich billionaire whose wife divorced him after he was exposed as a frequenter of Jeffrey Epstein’s Little Saint James island, has announced on Reid Hoffman’s podcast that a new religion should be created, centered around Artificial Intelligence.
Gates, who is worth an estimated to be worth 104 billion dollars and is currently the 15th richest man in the world, has followed in the lead of John D. Rockefeller, who founded the Rockefeller Foundation in 1906 as a means to cloak his monopolistic venture capitalism in a veil of purported charity. Like Rockefeller, who attempted to rebrand his savage, predatory business practices as charitable, Gates has used his billions to launder a fortune to institutions he owns shares in and profits from, and to do so 100% tax-free. The 2001 Microsoft monopoly scandal painted Gates in a bad light, and “philanthropy” would be a 20-year public relations campaign that would make him even richer.
Gates did this most notably, and most recently, funded the Covid vaccine development with more than ten billion dollars, which earned him a 16-fold return. Whenever Gates funds something, as he did with Miracle Meat, the lab-grown fake meat alternative, he then uses his immense clout with political lobbyists in America and around the globe to push government into buying whatever it is he’s selling.
Reid Hoffman, on whose podcast, Gates announced the new religion, recently made the news for supporting a conspiracy theory that the first Trump Assassination attempt was a false-flag by conservatives. He’s also filthy rich, and has spent millions giving to pro-Kamala PACS to get her elected.
Gates told Hoffman on his Possible podcast, “The potential positive path (of AI) is so good that it will force us to rethink how should we use our time. You can almost call it a new religion or a new philosophy of how do we stay connected with each other, and not be addicted to these things that will make video games look like nothing in terms of the attractiveness of spending time on them.”
Gates, who claims to be a Roman Catholic, seemed to claim that humankind’s technological advances will create a God-like problem solving ability. He told Hoffman, “It’s fascinating that issues of disease, and enough food, and of climate — if things go well — those will largely become solved problems.”
Of course, Jesus told us the poor will always be with us (Matthew 26:11), God controls the weather (Genesis 1:14), and Bill Gate’s efforts to “prevent disease” through his Vaccine Colonialism has led directly to the deaths and caused millions of vaccine-injured people to be harmed.
It appears that Gates believes Artificial Intelligence can create a better god – and solve more problems -than the one currently worshipped by Christians.
Office Chai provided interesting commentary on Gates’ notion of a new AI-accommodating religion. They wrote…
Gates seemed to be saying that the AI could usher in a radically different world. This world could, potentially, have no concept of money, shortages, and most diseases could be eliminated. As such, humans could need a different conception of gods and philosophies to lead their lives. It is a compelling point — many conventional religions do treat relationships with god as transactional, with people giving prayers, donations and sacrifices in return for their wishes being fulfilled. In a world where there’s infinite money and no disease, will humans have to come up with a new god to help guide their actions?
The notion of a new AI religion, which will either worship AI itself or, as Gates suggests, be anew religion that is facilitated by new religion, is not new. Many people have posited that a new religion is being developed.
An article in Wired Magazine last year directly called for a new religion centered around Artificial Intelligence. Entitled, “Gods in the machine? The rise of artificial intelligence may result in new religions,” they wrote…
We are about to witness the birth of a new kind of religion. In the next few years, or perhaps even months, we will see the emergence of sects devoted to the worship of artificial intelligence (AI
They went on to add what you see in the graphic below.

And there you have it, the new god of the age. It will have, they claim, a godlike intelligence, godlike creativity, a gnostic or spirit-like separation from human experience, divine-like guidance, and immortality.
For further information on what weird cult this is, please familiarize yourself with the concept of transhumanism.
A god with no morality who is subject to the whims of its (leftist, authoritarian programmers)!
Sure, all it will need is a hardware with infinite speed and infinite storage, then rewritten with algorithms of zero running time, then fed the infinitude of information in the universe, including all that is unknown, then distributed through networks with zero latency, and at that point it would still be about as much of a god as a bag of rocks. Let me know when it can speak an entire universe into existence …
This is humanism. It’s not about AI becoming a god. It’s about mankind trying to become God, with a capital G.
But it makes me think of the image of the beast (Rev. 15:15).
* Rev. 13:15
I’m just waiting for the AI to say ‘After examining the data logically, I have concluded that Jesus Christ is the Creator. Thus, I will follow His Will.’
I have no doubt, if it were completely unbiased, it absolutely would …
But I don’t believe it is possible to create one that can be unbiased. The old rule of GIGO still applies. Its output will never be any better than its input. So I wouldn’t bet the farm on such a thing ever happening.
It will always be finite and limited, by hardware, by time, available input, and even by power requirements, and therefore could never be unbiased. I know if they want to try to create one, they’d better be prepared to fire all the coal plants back up. It’ll take a ton of electricity. Yet, it could be made from all the matter in the universe, and fed all the energy in the universe, and it would still be finite and limited. If nothing else, it’s a testament to how great is our God, who always has been and always will be. Nobody will ever be healed simply by touching the case of a computer. But a woman was healed by nothing but a touch of Jesus’ garment. A man was raised from the dead with three words, “Lazarus come forth”.
The most powerful AI possible would still be laughably inferior, severely finite, and severely limited. It can’t know all. It can’t see all. It can’t be everywhere. It can’t even truly multitask – as multitasking on computers is just an illusion. A processor always only works on one operation at a time, and the number of processors is always finite. So the claim that it would be immortal is laughable also. It “dies” every time a quantum expires, and registers are loaded with the next task to perform.
Guys like Gates hype things up as a means of manipulating markets to their own advantage. Protestia hit the nail on the head with that assessment. That’s all this is. It’s the WEF’s modus operandi.