CNN Claims 1000 ‘Faith Leaders’ Endorse Harris (But None of Them are Christian)

The bastion of misinformation, CNN, recently revealed in an article that “More than a thousand religious leaders endorsed Kamala Harris on Sunday, bolstering the Democratic presidential nominee’s push to emphasize how faith is informing her campaign ahead of next week’s election.”
While the news org doesn’t provide a list of those names, nor can we find it anywhere, it’s not hard to surmise that this might be the case. We can easily imagine what sort of insane collective of blasphemy-spewing pagans cosplaying as Christians might give Harris the nod.
One in particular that CNN highlights is Rev. William J. Barber II, who writes:
“In a moment like this, I am compelled to be clear that every voter must make a choice, and my choice is to oppose the dangerous politics that (Donald) Trump and the MAGA movement have unleashed by supporting the ticket that can defeat this potential for American fascism.”
Who is Barber? Barber is the campaign chair at the Poor People’s Campaign and the progressive pastor of Greenleaf Christian Church in Goldsboro, North Carolina. His church is part of the apostate Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) denomination, a 250,000-member maligner of God’s word, characterized by a rejection of the Christian creeds, the freedom to deny essential doctrines like the Trinity or Atonement, and full acceptance or LGBTQ+ and abortion rights.
The denomination has only one belief- you must believe Jesus is God, but other than that, how that is expressed and everything else is up to you. Barber has adopted this lawlessness with enthusiasm, having previously teamed up with Planned Parenthood for pro-choice rallies, as well as preached on the need to make abortion rights a national law.
Extrapolate him out and you have the other 999 that endorsed Harris, making them “religious leaders” only in the sense that they have become their own gods.
I defy any self-identifying Christian who supports abortion and LGBTQ to biblically justify their faith.
If CNN said it then it’s unworthy any thinking person’s attention.
“Faith leaders” would include Church of Satan ministers, etc. Absolutely meaningless.