How Should Christians Respond When They Say Trump Isn’t a Moral Choice?

By this point in the election cycle, you’ve heard all the regular arguments from the Morality Police, who lecture Christians that Donald Trump is not moral enough to earn the Christian vote. You know; he is an adulterer, a vainglorious liar, a crooked business man, and then, all the far-fetched, unsubstantiated claims made by prosecutors put into office on the promise that they’ll find a way to hang up his hide.
If you’re like most Christians, you might have a tendency to shrink back at their accusatory lectures. You might hang your head a bit, with the knowledge that – sure enough – the man doesn’t appear to be the epitome of personal righteousness. And then, you might have that sense of doubt in your mind that maybe, just maybe, they have the moral high ground because they’re quoting various Scriptures or appealing to your sense of objective holiness.
After all, it feels weird, if not downright surreal, that the Christian vote is going (at a rate of 80%) to a crass, vulgar, and lascivious man.
We wanted to provide you some talking points for those interactions, whether they be in social media, around the water cooler, or (may God forbid) your family’s dinner table. We hope you find these helpful, and provide you with a dose of moral clarity.
A good (and godly) response goes something like this:
My dear friend,
Who under heaven do you think you are? What standing, do you believe you have, to bring an accusation of “supporting immorality” against Christians?
Your side, which is the side of an actual anti-human death cult, celebrates the death of the unborn. Long ago were the days the Democrat Party wanted abortion to be “safe, legal, and rare” (as though that were not bad enough). Today, as opposed to just a few short years ago, you have abandoned the term, “pro choice,” and instead you use the term “pro-abortion.” You chant, cheer, and applaud women who slaughter their babies in the womb. You “shout your abortion,” as though you’re giving praise-reports in the Baptist church.
We do not care what you think.
You treat procreation, which God says is your fundamental purpose of life, as a cancer. You treat pregnancy like a disease. You treat fertility like a symptom of an illness, and spend fortunes to prevent it like a vaccine. You have turned your wombs into war zones, making them less hospitable to your child than any theater of foreign war. Your goal is ever more atrocious than that of Hitler, or Mao Zedung, or Pol Pot. Your healthcare kills more annually than Auschwitz killed in four.
We do not care what you think.
Your medicine is designed to murder. Your healthcare is designed to dismember limbs and decapitate heads. Your medical care is designed to cut off genitals, mutilate breasts, and create festering, un-healing wounds into human flesh. The only thing that stinks more than your immorality is the gaping, rotting orifices your plastic surgeons create where one’s manhood used to be. The only thing more emasculating than your surgeries is your worldview. Your clinics are deadlier than concentration camps. Your choice is death to infants, death to the elderly, death to the disabled, death to the poor, death to disenfranchised and marginalized. Your desire is to kill the unwanted, the disadvantaged, and the undesirable. You are monsters of the highest order, beasts of an otherworldly realm, savages and brutes that make Genghis Kahn look like Gandhi.
We do not care what you think.
Your assault on children, the ones who survive the death gauntlet of your wombs, is unparalleled. You groom the little ones to embrace your perversities. You sit them on the laps of devils masquerading as drag queens, like Pied Pipers singing them the lullaby of Satan. Like a mustached man luring them to your van with candy, you market to them your sickness in the name of a good time. You project your sexual fetishes upon them, drag them to your celebrations of sodomy, and indoctrinate them with the grossest possible absurdities. You sneak your sexual propaganda into their books, and sneak those books into libraries, and lift your finger to your mouth and tell tell them not tell their parents. You want our children because you’ve killed yours, or because the only fruit of your sexual behavior is Monkey Pox or some other loathsome venereal disease. You do not offer the world life, but out of necessity, only can offer it Plan B and a strong course of antibiotics.
We do not care what you think.
You not only hate your God, you hate his science. You detest human biology, and submit the laws of nature to the rule of your imagination. In the name of psychology you coddle mental illness. In the name of reproductive medicine you fine-tune the art of infertility. In the name of climate science, you embrace the most superstitious and absurd doctrines of physiology. In the name of intellectual sophistication, you reject Natural Law. You are not intellectual. You are not sophisticated. You do not love science; you an offense to it.
We do not care what you think.
You tell us to love our neighbor, but your economic policies are designed to steal from them. You tell us to love our neighbor, but you don’t care that our neighborhood is set aflame by mobs and their markets are pilfered by looters. You tell us to love our neighbor, but you’re happy that illegal invaders replace them. You tell us to love our neighbors, as you seek to disarm them. You tell us to love our neighbors, as you let violent criminals out of jail and into our neighborhoods without bail. You are the reason we lock our homes at night, you are the reason we put AirTags in our children’s backpacks, you are the reason we don’t let our kids play outside any more, you are the reason our daughters feel unsafe in public places, you are the reason our neighbors have to put up cameras to keep our parcels safe, you are the reason our neighborhoods put up gates.
We do not care what you think.
You tell us to love the immigrant, as you complain about who will pick our vegetables, like Southern Democrats complaining about who would pick our cotton if the negro was freed. You tell us to love the immigrant, as you turn a blind eye to three hundred thousand missing children trafficked across our border. For the sake of letting in undocumented Democrats, you have sold these children into sex slavery as nothing more than unfortunate collateral damage of your political schemes. You tell us to love the immigrant, as you explain the cost of services will go up without them, as you intentionally place them into a caste system of unfair pay. You are racist for this, and vile.
We do not care what you think.
Speaking of racism, we are tired of being called racist because, like Martin Luther King, we dream of a day that we can judge a person by the content of their character but not the color of their skin. We are tired of being called racist when you drive the wedge of division between the races for nothing but political gain. We are tired of being called racist when it’s you who insist black people are too stupid to pass college entrance exams or that legal immigrants are too lazy to get voter identification. We are tired of being called racist for believing people are equal, and therefore must have equal standards, while you engage in the soft bigotry of lowered expectations.
We do not care what you think.
We are tired of being called misogynists, when half the people you murder in the womb are females. We are tired of being called misogynists because we celebrate mothers having their children born alive instead of plucked from the womb dead. We are tired of being called misogynists because we believe that motherhood is the most important job in the world. We are tired of being called misogynists because we recognize that the hand that rocks the cradle rules the world. We are tired of being called misogynists because we want to keep men from abusing women in contact sports, or stealing their place in athletic competitions. We are tired of being called misogynists, as you open the entrance door for men to evade their private places. We are tired of being called misogynists, as you celebrate men engaging in gender black-face, masquerading as insanely insulting caricatures of actual women. We are tired of being called misogynist, as you applaud men for appropriating the female gender.
We do not care what you think.
We are tired of being called fascists as you deny our bodily autonomy to not receive pharmaceutical experiments against our wishes. We are tired of being called fascists as you lock up your political opponents. We are tired of being called fascists as you censor us in every form of media in which you have control. We are tired of being called fascists for opposing government intrusion. We are tired of being called fascists by the people who shut down our churches because of a mild virus. We are tired of. being called fascists by the people who assigned us to house arrest, or fined us for going to the beach. We are tired of being called fascists for making us bake wedding cakes or provide services against our beliefs, as though we are your slaves forced to provide labor at your plantation-era whims.
We do not care what you think.
In short, my dear liberal friend, you are not in a position of moral uprightness to critique us. Our political choice in this election was, at least at one time an adulterer. But the only reason you know the name “Kamala Harris” is because she sold her body to a man of political power, as though she were running for Prostitute in Chief. Your candidate is nothing but a modern day Herodias, who leveraging her feminine whiles with a powerful man, immediately seeks the death of God’s servants. We do not speak of Trump, but the Christian journalists she prosecuted for exposing Planned Parenthood’s illegal trafficking of dead baby parts like a junk lot pick-and-pull, or the many pro-life activists who have awoken to Department of Justice swat team at their door.
We agree with you that character matters, but promoting infanticide is a character issue. Promoting sodomy is a character issue. Denying our soul liberty and freedom of religion is a character issue. Taking away our rights to speak, to gather, to publish our opinions, or defend ourselves is a character issue. Abandoning your oath of office to roll out the red carpet for our invaders and conquerors is a character issue. Chopping off the penises of little boys is a character issue. Instigating wars is a character issue. Stealing from one citizen to give to another is a character issue.
So please, understand. We would prefer an objectively “moral” candidate like anyone else. But we simply have lost the capacity – or the desire – to be lectured in any way by people who revel in sin. You are steeped in iniquity, and your political platform is a point-by-point refutation of the Ten Commandments. You have codified blasphemy, the dishonor of parents, adultery, theft, murder, and greed into your national agenda. You put sin on parade, you light up the White House in sodomy-themed lights, you celebrate Christ’s birth with drag queens in the national residence, you name entire months in honor of the wicked, while you declare the day of Christ’s resurrection the Trans Day of Visibility. Your morality is vomit. Your righteousness is like menstrual rags, as is all of ours, but you sew them into flags and hang them on the White House South Lawn. Conservatives are ashamed of our sin, but you are proud of yours, and that’s the difference.
Like the devil, who accuses the brethren, you have suddenly become keenly aware of our sacred teachings on right and wrong. You blaspheme God by even attempting to quote it to us, like the Witch who tries to cite the deep magic to Aslan, who was there when it was written. The Bible is not our talking point, it is the apple of our eye. Like an enemy who tries to turn our own knife against us, you seek to quote the Bible you know nothing about and respect even less. The only thing more obvious than your ignorance of the Scripture is the depth of insincerity when you quote it.
But, the Scripture is a two-edged sword. You might cut us by reminding us our candidate is far from perfect. But if the scriptures gives us a cut, it will slice you into two and leave you for dead.
Be away with you, devil. Our own consciences can inflict us with more damage than the insincerity with which you quote to us the Bible.
Right, as the old saying goes, actions speak louder than words. (much louder). One’s stance on the issues is the ultimate test of character. So much so, that the imperfection of the individual candidate is of little concern. What matters is the platform.
You have to understand that pointing the finger at the individual, and making it all about the individual candidates, is a defense mechanism that is born out of guilt. They can’t defend the indefensible platform. So it is a diversion, deflection, and a very weak excuse.
Like the other old saying, ignorance is bliss. Facing reality can be a very disturbing and depressing endeavor. So they choose to ignore it. That’s how, as Romans 1 put it, the truth becomes suppressed. But blissful ignorance is temporary. Sooner or later that reality will hit home. And that’s where the last sentence of the article here most applies. The conscience will be weakened and seared. Each and every time, just a little bit more. Until there is no conscience remaining at all. So I would repeat that last sentence of the article right back to you guys, from the standpoint of those who have opted not to vote, and not to endorse any sin, as a matter of protecting conscience. With the exception that your scriptural support for the notion that it is sinful not to vote, is non existent.
That last sentence: “Our own consciences can inflict us with more damage than the insincerity with which you quote to us the Bible.”
You have now circled all the way back around to the matter of conscience, which is supposed to be informed by the Bible, regardless of the presumed intent of the one who quotes it, His word does not return void (Isaiah 55:11). You should’ve left the politics at Paul Brown’s original article on the subject, which was the most discerning and Biblically sound, as it recognized the importance of conscience, then set the politics aside and gone back to the task of polemics and contending for the faith.
You’re not going to win anybody to the Lord, compel anyone to repentance, and fidelity to scripture, by going around saying “it’s a sin to not vote republican”
That’s just plain stupid.
Ancient Rome was a democratic/representative republic. They had elections, even in Jesus’ time. There are no scriptures anywhere in the NT compelling believers to go vote and endorse the candidate for Caesar and political alliance, which they deemed to be the lesser evil. Why do you reckon that is?
You guys need to snap out of it.
I’m not sure what it is compelling Protestia to try and convince Christians to vote for Trump. I am not a Harris supporter, nor will I vote for her this election. That said, to try and convince Christians to positively vote for Trump and equip them to defend him is a very undiscerning position for a discernment website. I personally will not be voting for either due to conscience. Sad to say, the repeated drum beat for Trump here actually has me questioning the validity and motive behind your other content. I share this to help you understand how this is landing with some of your audience and hopefully help you to better stand for His Kingdom, not an earthly one.
Dumb. Use all the arguments to justify your ignoring of God’s Word in pursuit of your political agenda. Just know that you will be held accountable for that.
God gives qualifications for rulers in places like Exodus 18:21. If ever God’s people have the option to choose their rulers, they are to choose in accordance with God’s revealed will. If there are no candidates who meet these qualifications, it is a cue from heaven to abstain, and to bewail the obvious token of divine displeasure against us as a people and nation, to examine ourselves and repent and wait on God. God has qualifications for elders, and if there are no candidates who meet them, we are not to proceed in ignoring God’s word and choose the “lesser of two evils” but rather to continue waiting on God to provide in his time. The same is true with a spouse: if there is no godly potential spouse, it is not your cue to set aside God’s commandments in choosing an unbeliever or heretic, but rather to wait on God to provide in his time. It is no different with rulers.
Psalm 15:4 describes the godly as those who despise vile men but honor those who fear God. Deliberately choosing a wicked man to rule over you is unconscionable to the believer according to Scripture; choosing a wicked man to rule is actually a curse according to Psalm 109:6, an imprecation upon Judas, yet articles like this (written by a man who shamefully disqualified himself from public ministry and teaching) are demanding that it is the duty for Christians to deliberately desire to bring this curse upon themselves in voting for a man who neither fears God nor stands for truth.
It is one thing to say that Trump is the pragmatic choice because he is the lesser of two evils “so hold your nose and vote for him”. That’s what I thought in 2016, 2020, and my opinion hasn’t changed. At this point it’s Trump “as opposed to what?”.
Before 2020, a cynical person would have said voting is all a charade. After 2020, only a fool would say voting matters. To yoke Christianity with a person who is very clearly not a Christian just because his opponent is even “less Christian” is pathetic.
The fact that we have to “choose” between “heels up Harris” and serial-adulterer Donald Trump (who seemed to be kind of chummy with the likes of Jeffery Epstein Et al.) is a sign of God’s judgement on our country.
What is better now than 10 years ago? “Conservatives” conserve nothing. Even though I will vote for Trump I hope he loses for the sake of all his devotees. If Donald Trump being president is the answer, it was a stupid question.
I also don’t care about Trump’s moral failings as a president. But I DO care about the fact that he is openly and loudly pro-abortion. He is on the record as stating that he will be “wonderful for women’s reproductive rights” and that there are now red states that are “too extreme” in their abortion bans and that we are “going to fix that” when elected. I’m sorry, but… WHAT?
If you’re thinking “But what about Roe?” I’m gonna stop you right there. Not only did the fall of Roe not meaningfully impact net abortions across the country (they went UP in 2023 and on track again for 2024) the fall of Roe was merely a political win for Trump and Trump’s base. It was a political and perhaps moral victory, but in terms of winning the battle but not the war, kicking abortion to the states did not have numerical impact on abortions at the national level. We need a national abortion ban and Trump has already said that in a fictitious scenario that this even happens, he would veto it.
I cannot and won’t vote for a clearly pro-abortion candidate, though I do love listening to the chicken little style mental gymnastics from the enthusiastic Trump supporters within the church to get them to justify (to themselves) why it’s OK for them to vote Trump: If Kamala wins, we will all be in gulags and won’t have any rights anymore (though we clearly believe that rights come from God and not government).
in 2016 Trump was an outsider, a business man and had some real positive impact, but now, 8 years later, he is just a politician like the rest of them. He doesn’t give a rip about abortion or anything else really. He wants to WIN and he will tell you what you want to hear if that happens to be a winning strategy. I think Trump will still win, but all the “Trump is the ‘no new wars’ candidate” people will be shocked and dismayed when Netanyahu and the Zionists on both sides of the Atlantic drag the US and our sons into war with Iran in 2025. Count on it.
You hit the nail on the head. Next year the headlines here will read: “How should Christians respond when they say killing Iranians isn’t a moral choice”.
these comments are crazy. they’d rather have none of what they want because trump won’t give them everything that they want. it’s a democracy – you do the best you can because your allies are people that don’t share all your values. if your only allies are people that exactly share your values then you’re guaranteed to lose every election and deliver power to your biggest enemies. being trapped in a democracy with people like this is like playing for the Bad News Bears.
9ine, to suggest that commenters are asking for an all or nothing is disingenuous. We have a pro abortion candidate, who parades around with the worst false teachers in Christianity, corrupts every positive value that we stand for and makes them a stench to non-believers, sells Bibles with his name on it, etc etc etc. Trump functions as a pied piper for Christian conservatives (of which I am a member), and yet you can’t figure out why so many are balking? I have personally never had a problem voting before this election, but conscience will no longer allow it and I have to commit this country into God’s hands.
9ine, are you sure it’s not the other way around? Maybe it’s you who is demanding all-or-nothing from us? if we were demanding all, we’d be demanding the party make the Holy Bible it’s entire platform. We’re not demanding anything from anyone.
The party is free to create whatever platform it wants.
We’re free to decide whether or not we can and will endorse it.
Plain and simple …
If we can’t endorse it, then they’re not our allies.
They all have Bibles. They are not illiterate. They know full well what we can and cannot endorse. They made their choice. If the party loses on the platform it chose, then it will be nobody’s fault but the strategists who created the platform.
Protestia doesn’t care what you think, and doesn’t care what God thinks, either.
The God of Israel said, the Rock of Israel spoke to me: “He that rules over men must be just, ruling in the fear of God.” – 2 Samuel 23:3