Who Are the Nazis Supported By Russell Moore, David French, And Other Woke Evangelicals?

The hive-mind of woke Evangelicalism, which seems to be awfully similar to the woke hive-mind of the rest of the political left, has been busy lately in their accusations against those expressing “Christ is Lord” of having latent Naziism. Certainly, some bad-actors have commandeered the Scriptural phrase (which far predates the Third Reich), which we explained here.
But the Woke Mind Virus, which seems to take over the worldviews of left-leaning people to assimilate them to the Borg Collective, has conveniently circumnavigated criticism of their avid support for literal, actual, honest-to-goodness Neo Nazis. But, that’s what Protestia is here for; to explain how the progressive worldview overlaps considerably with anti-Christian sentiment, and a conservative worldview overlaps considerably with Biblical teachings.
But instead of the word “worldview,” as we explain the support of woke evangelicals for actual Nazis, perhaps it’s better to use the German word Weltanschauung (they might understand it better). Simply put, why have evangelical leftists who claim every one of their progressive talking points is a “pro-life issue” (except abortion) seem to universally support a never-ending war in Ukraine at U.S. taxpayer expense?
They might tell you it has something to do with a territorial dispute stemming from the decision of Vladimir Putin to invade the borders of a sovereign ally (if you define ally very, very loosely). Others, without a spiritual perspective, might argue it has to do with the United States reneging on a 1989 international treaty promising Russia (during the dissolution of the Soviet Union) to not expand Ukraine any further east. Some with a deeper spiritual Weltanschauung might point out that Russia’s clamp-down on gay propaganda, the sexual grooming of children, and ban on countries that allow homosexual adoption has the Powers and Principalities in Darkness worked into a frenzy (Russia’s anti-gay agenda has been a primary source of propaganda for the U.S. proxy war).
Regardless, suffice it to say that woke evangelicals really, really support Ukraine.
Consider Russell Moore’s podcast with Mike Cosper, vehemently defending escalation in the Ukrainian conflict (also, they discussed country music). Or consider this podcast with David French, freshly returned from his vision quest in Ukraine, explaining that a Trump victory in 2024 was “a part of Russia’s war plan.”
Or, you know, consider about a thousand tweets from the that ambiguously evangelical duo – and a hundred others in the woke hive mind – lauding Ukraine and beating the drum to kill more Russians. Like Jesus would want.

In case you didn’t read the last tweet, Russell Moore links an argue in which he ties together the crucifixion of Jesus Christ on Ash Wednesday with support for killing more foreigners in an unwinnable war of suspect motives to support a prime minister who banned the freedom of religion, imprisoned his political opponents, put journalists in jail, canceled elections, and primary non-war related activity is advancing transgender ideology.
If you bothered to click any of the above hyperlinks, you’d see quite quickly why he has the support of America’s woke evangelicals; they want a president just like him.
The irony in all of this, is that amidst calling Trump supporters Nazis, or likening them to Hitler (see below), woke evangelicals are supporting actual Nazis in Ukraine.

The Azov Brigade, also known as the 12th Operation Battalion of Azov, is a division of the Ukrainian National Guard (an offensive guard, in particular) that until 2024 was banned from receiving munitions and military equipment from the United States.
Why was this ban in place to begin with? The Leahy Law, named after the bill’s sponsor, Democrat senator Patrick Leahy, troop battalions, armies, and other paramilitary groups with tied to Nazis could not receive U.S. tax dollars, military training, or other forms of American assistance. The ban was lifted just a few months ago in desperation, as it’s become clear the Ukrainian conflict is unwinnable. Regardless, Ukrainians are flush with American taxpayer cash and they aim to kill as many Russians as humanly possible until the war is brought to an end (likely by a change in American administration). They are, however, short on soldiers because…well, they’re all dying.
Respected international researcher, Andreas Umland at the Swedish Institute of Foreign Affairs, wrote that the group was, “an obscure lunatic fringe group of racist activists.” No one, up until 2024, denied this until Ukraine ran out of warm bodies to throw at the superior Russian military.
You can see the Nazi imagery on their official insignia below.

Do you remember hearing or seeing David French, Russell Moore, or any sufferers of the woke hive mind complain about U.S. tax-dollars supporting racist Nazis in Ukraine?
Obviously, it’s not convenient to criticize literal Nazis for the pro-war evangelicals hell-bent on proving how merciful and gracious they are by beating the drums of war. It is, however, convenient to claim Allie Beth Stuckey (or other conservatives like her) are Nazi sympathizers for promoting an America-First, Humanity-First agenda.
Imagine that. Russell Moore, pro-Nazi but anti-Christian. Who would have thought?
Woke-ism is literally anti-Christ in every way, not to mention it is anti-Christianity, and anti-humanity.
The level of deception required to be Woke, while also claiming Christ, is astronomical.
When everyone’s a Nazi, no one is.
Supporting foreign wars is stupid, so I find it a little strange that on one hand you rail against Russell Moore for a tweet where he says, “Thank you President Biden for a strong speech in defense of Israel, Ukraine, and the spirit of American global leadership.” and then leapfrog over the US unconditional support of Israel to focus on Ukraine.
Just google “Azov Israel” and the first things that come up are articles of the Israeli government welcoming Azov battalion leaders to Israel and there’s even a picture of an Azov guy with a swastika tattoo at the wailing wall.
These people seem to be connected to US intel agencies, since they are emitting intel propaganda.
Followers have succumbed to temptation.
A wise man would say cut the baby in half. Eastern and western Ukraine will never get along. The people are too different. Split the country in half, and whoever objects is the bad guy, out to subjugate the other side.
Christians should be standing with our brothers and sisters in eastern Ukraine. We should not be standing with the secular, more wicked Europeans. Nor should we be standing with Moscow. Both of which, it appears, want it all, and won’t stop shedding blood until one side has it all. The people of eastern Ukraine voted to leave and form their own country, and in my opinion that’s what we should be respecting and advocating for.
The one thing that needs to be considered is our role, the USA and Joe Biden’s involvement ,as the VP, to overthrow the elected President of Ukraine.
Back in 2014 VP Biden orchestrated a “ColorRevolution” in Ukraine using US Intelligence assets along with BlackWater and Military special OPS personnel which precipitated this current disaster.
We have blood on our hands as a nation for this and so many other things. May the Lord show us mercy as we repent.
Right, and even before that when Ukraine’s economy crashed. Remember McCain was going around trying to drag us into the middle of it even then. We’ve been getting dragged into the middle of things over the interests of European countries ever since WWII. It’s not just US intelligence. It’s five eyes. A collection of intelligence organizations, including several other countries, that essentially control the US Government, often times against the will of the people. Then you add in big money, on all sides. At one point a few years ago, Soros had put more money into Ukraine than any government. And he doesn’t spend money unless it’s making him money, somehow or another. On the Russian side, it is said that Putin cut trade with Ukraine, causing much of the economic calamity that ultimately led to the current civil war. Then we, as a matter of trying to be the leader of the world, take the lead, doing the bidding of five eyes, big money, military industrial complex, and so on, and as you note, also assume responsibility as a result. It’s been that way since WWII. Iran is another example, and it is one of the first. Shortly after WWII, the CIA went in there not for our interests and the interests of US citizens, but rather to try to protect the interests of Great Britain, overturning that existing government. Ever since, we’ve born most of the blame and responsibility.
My only point of disagreement with you would be that it likely was the other way around. It wasn’t a matter of intelligence apparatus doing the bidding of the Obama/Biden admin, as much as it was a matter of the Obama/Biden admin doing the bidding of intelligence apparatus, both domestic and foreign.
Notice Moore referenced “American Global Leadership”. What minister of the Gospel focuses on and prioritizes such things? None whatsoever. As “The Prisoner” correctly stated above. It does indeed appear that individuals like Moore and French are government assets. Maybe willingly. Maybe coerced. But it certainly does seem that anytime there’s a discrepancy between scripture and the actions of our government, in their view the government, or permanent bureaucracy, is never wrong. They’ll contort themselves and scripture to no end, to try to spin things in the government’s favor.
Of course, what’s ironic about that is that it is exactly how the nazis gained total control. Early on, they went to all the media outlets and convinced them to never criticize the government, and to convey the message that the government was never wrong, using peace and security as a pretext. At that point, they completely controlled the narrative. Orchestrated a few red flag events, such as the one involving the radio station. And in very short order had full totalitarian control.
I need some more coffee before my old brain starts halfway working.
But I don’t deny the US involvement. It’s just that our involvement has been to serve the interests of western Europe, rather than our own. The US has no vested interest in Ukraine whatsoever. Ultimately it’s a fight between Europe and Asia. It’s ethnic, cultural, and religious. And there has been conflict going on in that region of the world, the border countries between the two going way back hundreds, if not thousands, of years. It’s where both world wars started. And possibly where the next one has started.
I wonder how it all fits with prophecy. You know, Magog, Noah’s grandson, the second son of Japheth, originally settled in the area north of the black sea in what is now western Ukraine, and is heavily mentioned in prophecy pertaining to the end times. The area of donbas and eastern Ukraine, is where his father Japheth originally settled after the flood.
As it pertains to the Gospel, it is those eastern orthodox churches that we have to thank for hiding away and protecting the original greek manuscripts, to a significant degree. The west abandoned the original Greek, and adopted the RCC’s Latin Vulgate. During the inquisition, the Jesuits went around burning Bibles that weren’t published by the RCC and based on the Vulgate, and killing anyone and everyone who held to the original Greek, calling them heretics. They were the original protestants, in a sense.
We have a kinship with our brothers and sisters in that region, that goes all the way back to the time of the Apostles. We should be standing with them.
Interestingly enough, you can about draw a line straight north from Jerusalem, and that is just about the line of demarcation between the two.