United Church Of Christ Impastors Hold Blessing Ceremony FOR Planned Parenthood

Revealing themselves to be little more than little Christ-hating pagans and paganettes, a delegate of United Church of Christ impastors took time away from attending the denomination’s General Synod to travel to a Milwaukee Planned Parenthood clinic following Sunday’s worship session. Here, they joined staff and delegates to hold a service of blessing and solidarity for the abortuary, highlighting the devilish denominations’ long-standing history of promoting, defending, and entrenching the murder of babies.

For more on the UCC, see:
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The event, which took place in 2019 but which we just heard about, was covered in the UCC’s denominational website, where they explain:
The Rev. Traci Blackmon, a trained nurse and the UCC associate general minister of Justice and Local Church Ministries, assured the participating Planned Parenthood staff members that “the UCC stands with you.”
Referring to the new restrictions, Blackmon asserted, “This is not about reproductive rights. This is about controlling women. This is not about saving lives. It’s about controlling women. It is not about children. It is about controlling women. If it were about children, we would have the same amount of energy at the border right now. If it was about children, we wouldn’t have children being hungry at night.
“This is a fight for a woman’s right to be,” she concluded, ” and we will not go back.”
The service included “a responsive litany, the reading of testimonies from women who had turned to Planned Parenthood for medical services, and a prayer of thanksgiving, followed by the spreading of rose “petals of protection” around the perimeter of the site.”
Tanya Atkinson, the president and CEO of Planned Parenthood of Wisconsin, “said she would not “be able to find the words to express how meaningful it was” to her and her colleagues to have UCC faith leaders join them on the “sacred ground” of the clinic.””
No doubt they also said some solemn prayers to their god Chemosh…
Pure unadulterated evil.
United Church of Anti-Christ.
“You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father’s desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies.” – John 8:4
“Did not he who made me in the womb make them? Did not the same one form us both within our mothers?” – Job 31:154
Since this church abandoned the gospel long ago — assuming they ever believed and proclaimed it — they should do everyone a favor and drop the pretense of being a church. Within five to ten years at the most they will be a New Age meeting place devoid of Scriptural references. So why not just go ahead and do it now. That would be the one act of honesty they’d commit. While I still wouldn’t condone their theology I would respect their openly saying they’d have nothing to do with the Christian gospel.
Why? Because of course they did.