Fact Check: Is Trump Pro-Choice? Not By a Long Shot

If you listen to the haranguing laments of panicked social conservatives on X and elsewhere, you think the that President Donald J. Trump had a Piper Cherokee 140 painted with the Planned Parenthood logo and attached it via a tow rope to Trump Force One so abortions could be conducted in the back of his plane wherever he lands. Of course, Trump wasn’t the one to bring an abortion van to the Democratic National Convention like the devil’s Taco Truck; that was Kamala Harris.

Is Trump really “pro-choice?” He is, at least, imperfectly pro-life. Does such a designation, therefore, create such a moral equivalency with Kamala Harris that Christians are really having a hard time pulling the lever for him? Let’s look at the facts.


On the negative side, President Trump has promised repeatedly to veto a nationwide abortion ban, should the congress put such a ban upon the Resolute Desk. His philosophy, it seems, is that abortion is a states-rights issue, and matters related to reproduction are not enumerated to the federal government in the 9th and 10th Amendments. Constitutionally, of course, Trump is absolutely correct. The Bill of Rights does not give the federal government the power to intervene in such affairs. But for those of us who want baby murder to stop, we admittedly don’t care that much.

Also negatively, President Trump seems pretty chill with a state ban on abortion that exceeds six weeks of life. On this, there has been some waffling on the president’s part. He first claimed that a Florida referendum expanding the legalization of murder after six weeks should be voted for, but later claimed that it should be voted against. Only minutes later, Marjorie Dannenfelser, head of the anti-abortion Susan B. Anthony Pro-Life America group, claimed Trump clarified that he was “unsure” where he stood on that issue.

And finally, President Trump has offered broad and vocal support for funding INF fertility treatments which, more times than not, allows human beings to be created only to sit on a shelf in a freezer, unused, until they’re eventually discarded (or hopefully, adopted). None of this is to mention Trump’s support for abortifacient birth control, which almost no politician of any party yet dare talk about criminalizing.

All of these positions, if truly held by Trump, should be disturbing to Christians and basically any anti-murder people out there.


Trump nominated candidates to the U.S. Supreme Court who he believed would overturn Roe v Wade, and they eventually did so. This was no small feat. Republican president Ronald Reagan nominated Supreme Court justices who – despite being nominated by a Republican – proved they were not an ally of the unborn (Sandra Day O’Connor and Ruth Bader Ginsburg).

If Kamala Harris were president, she would surely fill vacancies among the aging conservative justices with those likely to reverse Roe’s reversal yet again. Worse yet, she could try to stack the court with additional appointees, to overturn the current conservative ratio on the court. Trump, on the other hand, would nominate justices most likely to uphold Roe’s reversal. And while this would not prevent certain states from legalizing infanticide, it would certainly lower the number of procedural abortions nationwide, and limit them to zero in quite a few states.

Trump will also surely put back into place the Mexico City Policy, first installed in 1985 by the second Reagan administration, blocking U.S. federal funding from non government organizations (NGOs) that provide infant murder services around the world. The policy was removed by Bill Clinton, put back into place by George W. Bush, then removed under Obama, and then immediately put back into place by Trump in 2016. The funding, which in 2022 provided 55 billion dollars to pay for abortions overseas, will be axed by Trump, so he promises, on day one. Considering he axed it on day one the first time he came into office, there’s every reason to believe he will follow through. Harris, on the other hand, recently told reporters that she would not only keep the policy repealed, she’s prepared to spend even more U.S. taxpayer dollars to kill foreign babies.

Meanwhile, JD Vance has recently clarified in The Washington Post that the Trump-Vance administration would immediately hault all federal funding to Planned Parenthood and other abortionists. Although this will be challenged in the courts, thanks to Trump, the courts are now in our favor. Harris, on the other hand, wants abortion to be covered by Medicaid for those who qualify, or by federal grant, for those who don’t.


We find this claim to be dubious. The term “pro-life” has always been a bit nebulous and ill-defined, but it suffices to say that President Trump’s administration will better protect the lives of the unborn than the Harris Administration.

Casting your vote for Trump will lead to fewer dead babies, and fewer dead babies whose murder were financed by your tax dollars, both home and overseas.

If a Christian is going to withhold their vote because neither candidate is as pro-life as they would desire them to be, and by withholding that vote more babies are killed on the U.S. taxpayer’s dime, it might be hard to argue with a straight face that your decision to abstain from voting was a pro-life decision at all.

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