Former MorningStar CEO Chris Reed Is Launching New Church Despite His Recent Sexting Scandal

Chris Reed, former President and CEO of the New Apostolic Reformation mecca MorningStar Ministries, isn’t going to let a little sexting scandal get in the way of his dreams, announcing on Facebook in a since-deleted post that that he’s launching a new church, named “Jesus Revolution Church.”

Coming Soon! Very soon. How this came together was/is a miracle. “‘Do not despise the day of small beginnings…’ It’s been said ‘every move of God starts in a manger and dies in a cathedral.’”

Reed, a false prophet and spiritual con artist who took over MorningStar from Rick Joyner, is as crooked as a question mark and routinely receives and catalogs words he gets from God. He maintains he received a vision from God that John the apostle is still alive and roaming the earth today, all the while routinely engaging in cringy fake ‘mentalism’ displays.

Married with six younger children, we recently shared how he was involved with a student (who is an adult seven years his junior) at MorningStar named here as “Kathryn,” whom he was kissing and sending sexual text messages to in 2021, prior to becoming CEO.

Kathryn says she told MorningStar leaders about the sexual messages in February 2022. As a result of this, Reed was not disqualified from ministry but merely stopped preaching for a short while, but was still otherwise actively involved other leadership responsibilities with the organization.  

In fact, the only real consequence he faced was that he was supposed to take over as CEO or MorningStar in 2022, but his promotion was delayed for the better part of the year because of it; with the leadership still feeling he was the right man to lead them.

While some in the church leadership knew of his sexual indiscretions, he did not admit to the church body as a whole that he’d been involved in kissing and sexting, but rather revealed:

“Here’s what I told the church, ‘I take full responsibility for it. There was a situation in my life where I needed the grace of God. It did not involve sex or money or notoriety, but it was still wrong and I had to talk to my elders in my life and be accountable about it.”

And now he’s planting himself a new church.

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