Prolife Groups Spends $500,000 on Abortion Misinformation Campaign

The pro-life Women Speak Out PAC is spending a reported half a million dollars on a TV and digital ad campaign seeking to show that the rhetoric and misinformation regarding abortion drugs from presidential candidate Kamala Harris and her bloodthirsty band of Democrats have led to the deaths of at least two women.
The group, which is a partner of the Susan B. Anthony Pro-Life America, plans to target Georgia, specifically targeting cities like Atlanta, Augusta, Macon, and Savannah with ads like the following
SBA Pro-Life America President Marjorie Dannenfelser said in a statement:
“Democrats led by Kamala Harris are lying about pro-life laws and women are dying. Amber Thurman and Candi Miller died after they suffered complications from dangerous abortion drugs and did not receive appropriate, completely legal emergency care. Georgia’s law, like pro-life laws in every other state, allows emergency care, miscarriage care and treatment for ectopic pregnancy.
The laws do not penalize women who have abortions and they use plain, commonly accepted legal language. There would be no confusion if abortion advocates were not spreading confusion. Amber, Candi and their babies should be alive today. Democrats are putting countless lives at risk and we will relentlessly call them out.”
They are just continuing to use one of their slave as their puppet. Less we forget she already had one child. People have forgotten about the joy of adoption. Here’s another novel idea. Don’t sleep around like a slut and you don’t get pregnant. Girl wasn’t going to nursing school CNA maybe and that is a BIG maybe. But they are project her to be something she wasn’t. She CHOSE to murder her two children. Now is the hospital negligant for malpractice? Probably. But have you been in your local ER lately? People use it as their personal doctors office. I wouldn’t go to one unless I absolutely had to.
Well said, Susan.
I’m a bit wary, considering I don’t agree with the idea that women should never be penalized for murdering their own children in the womb. But it does indeed need to be pointed out that democrats lies, for political gain, and possibly intentional ignorance of much of the hospital staff, potentially for the same reason, produced the women’s fears. In the one case, the fear that led her to travel to NC to murder the child in the first place, believing she was too frail to have anymore children, and terrified that the new law would allow her to die from complications of pregnancy, or even go to jail for a miscarriage. All democrat lies. And very wicked lies. They terrorized that woman.
I don’t know why or how a hospital full of supposed professionals neglected to inform themselves on the law. If you ask me, some people need to lose their license, be fired, and forbidden from ever practicing medicine any time or place hence..
For now, I say more power to SBA Pro-Life America. May change my opinion once I see the ads, but so far so good …