Jihadists Attack Church, Slit the Throats of 26 Christians

Hundreds are dead, including 26 Christians, after a two-day killing spree in the West African country of Burkina Faso saw demonic Jihadists rampage through the countryside, according to Christian Solidarity International (CSI), which tracks persecution and gives aid to affected people.

Burkina Faso is one of the least developed countries in the world and has huge swaths of it controlled by infighting militant groups. Comprised of nearly 65% Muslim and 25% Christians, the US State Department highly advises against traveling there on account of the high likelihood of terrorism and kidnapping.

CSI reports that after the al-Qaeda-linked group Jama’at Nusrat al-Islam wal-Muslimin (JNIM) “opened fire on hundreds of villagers outside the town of Barsalogho, in northern Burkina Faso,” they then “stormed a Protestant church in the western town of Sanaba, killing 26.”

(On) Sunday, a service was underway at a Christian Alliance evangelical church in Sanaba when jihadists attacked. “Twenty-six faithful were killed. Their hands were tied and their throats cut,” said a pastor in the capital, Ouagadougou, who visited the scene shortly afterward. The pastor, whose congregation aids victims of terror, said the survivors had taken refuge in a school.”

One of the victims, a little girl named Micheline, had three bullets removed from her right leg. “We are doing our best to ensure she can return to school. She is now out of hospital and is with a foster family,” the pastor told CSI.

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1 thought on “Jihadists Attack Church, Slit the Throats of 26 Christians

  1. How horrible. Our brothers and sisters in Christ in Africa and SE Asia live lives that we have no even an inkling of what they go through each and every day. I vote though that we send all those screaming for reparations around the Western world especially in the UK and US and those who like to dress up as from Africa or claim they are “African” Americans to go spent 1 day (24 hours) in a country like this They wouldn’t last 1 hour.

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