Woke Pastor Rewrites Jesus’ Parables In Worse Possible Way: ‘The kingdom of God is like the trans woman athlete…’

Rev. Emily Bowen-Marler is one of the devils leading Brentwood Christian Church, a “progressive, open and affirming congregation synogogue of satan in the heart of the Ozarks that is committed to building community, justice and love.” During her June ’23 sermon, she asked:

“I wonder how Jesus might have told parables in our time. Who are the maligned in our society threatening to bring change that those in power are resisting? How would Jesus flip their understanding of the kingdom of God on its head in a way that unsettles them and empowers the ones they malign?

She has a few ideas..

The empire of God is like the queer youth who challenged the confines of binary thinking and tore down the rigid parameters of masculine and feminine, diffusing the toxicity that had plagued communities of faith for generations until the spectrum of gender diversity was lived into and celebrated as far as the eye could see.


The empire of God is like the trans woman athlete whose presence on the women’s team helped strengthen the bonds of trust and compassion which buoyed all of their confidence as a team, with all players feeling empowered to be their best and made them an unstoppable force in their sport.

She concludes:

Thanks be to God for the parables of Jesus that flip our understanding of God and God’s realm on its head and pushes us to see God in new ways and to see God in the faces of those we least expect.

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8 thoughts on “Woke Pastor Rewrites Jesus’ Parables In Worse Possible Way: ‘The kingdom of God is like the trans woman athlete…’

    1. Correct assessment. But it would have been nice to have seen something like that in the article. There literally was no ending. After listing her heresies, it just stopped. Bizarre article.

  1. The author gives the examples used in the pastora’s heretical “sermon”, and simply stops. That’s the end of the article. No summary, no appraisal, no retort, no nothing. I kept trying to find the rest of the article, but there WAS none. What on earth is going on here?

  2. It’s almost as bad as a website that professes to uncover the truth around spirituality identifying a woman as a “pastor” since woman are not permitted in church leadership at that level which is crystal clear in scripture. This website also fails when it identifies anyone who would affirm or endorse the mental health illness of transgender people as anything but exactly that. You can’t have it both ways. She is pushing apostate teachings and you are essentially establishing her as having credibility by identifying this person as a pastor from any angle. Using those words DOES matter.

    Perhaps you could say a woman who has put herself falsely up as the leader of a congregation of people has further distorted scripture by now trying to legitimize mental illness and immorality as sources of scriptural metaphors. you could then go on to speak about the rise of false prophets and evil people who will be seeking out to devour the flocks like wolves.

    Using the word pastor at any point in the article in reference to her makes you just as much a part of the problem as she is.

  3. Bastardizing and perverting the Word of God like this woman has done may be close to the “unpardonable sin.” She is a heretic and a type of Anti-Christ.

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