NIFB Pastor Steven Anderson’s Son Alleges Years Of Domestic Abuse + ‘My dad used the same electrical cord on her that he used on us’

Following our story of controversial NIFB pastor Steven Anderson’s son Isaac alleging years of violent abuse and beatings against them as children, including kicking and stomping on him, another of his sons, John, has come forward to corroborate the claims of vicious beatings, as well as allege years of domestic abuse towards his mother.

Anderson is the firebrand KJV-Onlyist from Faithful Word Baptist Church in Tempe, AZ. He’s known for his rigorous Independent Fundamentalist Baptist theology, hatred of Calvinism, the infamous “pisseth on a wall” clip, and open glee at the thought of homosexuals being killed; at one point, he had the dubious distinction of being banned from 34 countries, including every English-speaking developed country.

You don’t get to say things like, “If I had a button right here on this pulpit, I could just push this button and every fag would just fall over dead. I would push it until it breaks,” without raising a few eyebrows.

In a wide-ranging interview with The Dead Domain, John Anderson, Steven’s second oldest son who has completely cut off from the family after reporting them to Child Protective Services, outlines life in the Anderson household, alleging further beatings, a hypocritical and violent mother, and instances of domestic abuse (the two former will be featured in an article tomorrow)

He begins by telling of having discovered his father would hit and whip his mother with a cord.

“I’m pretty sure all my siblings know about this, they weren’t very good at hiding it. My dad used the same electrical cord on her that he used on us. And it was like, they would be screaming, they would be fighting whatever. And then it’d be like, ‘kids go out in the backyard’ or ‘kids go to your room.’

And then you would hear the sound of BAM BAM beating sounds. My mom’s screaming. Um, there were times when I would see like the mark (because) the electrical cord, it would leave this “C-shaped” mark on you, like the tip. And it was scabbed up red and inflamed.

It was like, I don’t know, it was like a bruise, right? But then the ring where it was, was like this bloody mark in the shape of it, and I would see those on her. So it was very, very clear what was happening.

My parents kind of hid it from us. It was always like a thing like all of us knew about. And then finally, after like a year, I talked to my siblings, I talked to my brother, Isaac,… I was like, ‘dude, like, am I tripping, or is dad beating mom? ‘ He’s like, ‘no, like, yeah, I’ve known too. that’s what’s happening.'”

He continues:

“But I know there were a couple of outbursts where he would just like, bam, hit her in a fight…there were a couple instances that I know where he just like, hit her. It wasn’t like the scheduled, like, beatings, or it’s like a system (in the) same way it was with us.

So my mom decided that she was done with him. And she wanted to leave him and get sole custody of the kids. And she wanted to basically so she came out better on the divorce, because then she’d be single parenting 12 kids, she wanted to get him put away for domestic abuse so she could get the house while he’s off in prison.

…And I was like, ‘you were 10 times more abusive than dad ever was. So if you go press charges and I get called in as a witness, I’m not going to lie under oath and say he never did anything, but I’m also not going to sugar coat or hide anything you did as well.”

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1 thought on “NIFB Pastor Steven Anderson’s Son Alleges Years Of Domestic Abuse + ‘My dad used the same electrical cord on her that he used on us’

  1. That, like, sounds terrible and, like, I dunno… tough to deal with…

    Seriously though…..anybody surprised at these allegations? Anderson is as angry and unhinged as they come.

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