Woman Claims Grace Community Church ‘Defamed’ and Inappropriately Put Her Under Church Discipline

(Christian Post) A woman has accused the John MacArthur-led Grace Community Church of Sun Valley, California, of disciplining her when she sought separation from her husband, who has reportedly been abusive to her.
Lorraine Zielinski had her name publicly announced in July during a Grace communion service as someone who has been put under church discipline concerning issues regarding the separation from her husband.
Last month, she said Grace approved her to undergo the fourth step of church discipline, which is “to be ostracized from the fellowship,” according to… to continue reading click here.
This article was written by Michael Gryboski and published at the Christian Post
Here we go again. Satan keeps trying to throw bombs at Grace Community Church. This will feed Julie Roys for months. She has to average one hit piece a month on John MacArthur.
And, JR will of course, do it all in the name of concern for the church.
That was my first thought…this provides fodder for Julie Roys…I can only imagine her glee 🙁
I’m convinced the main reason she goes after JM is for recognition. He’s a well known pastor so anyone writing articles about him is going to get hits on their website.
Wasn’t it JD who called them the Christian Compost? hahaha That tells us how much credibility this article has.
This is a local congregation issue that I’m sure that no one commenting on here has any firsthand knowledge of. So with that in mind I would like to say that every time this type of elder board makes a statement, it sounds exactly like the type of thing the government would say when they proclaim, “we have investigated ourselves and have found ourselves of no wrongdoing”.
Very misleading timeline at the end of that Christian Post article. How many times does that timeline need to be completely proven false until supposed Christian publications stop repeating it. No real interest in the truth, apparently.
If the validity of this current story is as unlikely as the previous one from a couple decades ago, actual Christians should be skeptical and not assume the worst in this more current accusation.
And this is coming from a man (myself) who was married to a lunatic-level abusive wife that treated my children terribly. This was also brought before both the senior pastor and associate pastor within my previous church numerous times, along with physical abandonment of myself and my children for nearly a decade. She only came home to sleep in a spare bedroom while leaving me as a virtual single father for many years of our lives with no affection whatsoever, only harsh yelling and abuse if there was any interaction.
I was told that I needed to stay in the relationship and not separate the kids from her influence no matter how bad it became or how long it lasted. only if physical abuse that would be illegal according to the law, and could be proven in a court of law and the kids would testify, would there be grounds for biblical separation supposedly.
I eventually separated and took my kids with me to another part of town due to abandonment and ongoing mental and verbal abuse against my children, but it was only when I did this that the church acted, and when they did it was against me for separating from her.
I other words, I know, even as a man, that leadership and counsel within a church pertaining to marriage situations can be extremely neglectful and inappropriate. My wife had left us and abandoned us a decade earlier, but only showed up at night for a free room to sleep in. She had a new separate life of her own, did not attend church, but used the church to pressure me to continue to provide her a free room in her state of abandonment of her family.
I eventually received separate counsel from a different church that pointed to the biblical abandonment from a non-believer who had gone their own way. This understanding was in contrast the idea that her taking up a room in the far end of the house and living her own separate life did not mean abandonment according to the previous church.
So I know this sort of thing happens, and even though I have experienced it personally, I do not see this sort of thing happening at Grace Community. That fictitious timeline is one of the biggest indicators of false accusations.