New UMC Bishop Praises the Denomination’s Transformation Into a “Large, Non-Governmental Institution”

The United Methodist continues to be a simmering cauldron of every vile and aberrant theology conceived in hell, with a recent Op-Ed by Rev. Kristin Stoneking being a prime example.
A “married” lesbian and newly appointed Bishop in the denomination’s Western Jurisdiction just a few weeks ago (replacing Karen Oliveto, a famed bishop who for years denied the divinity of Christ), Stoneking is arguably worse than her predecessor.
Writing for the UMC’s Pacific School of Religion, Stoneking praised the decision of the denomination to become fully LGBTQ-affirming, calling it a “celebration for those inside the denomination” and a “victory for champions of dignity and human rights everywhere.”
Continuing this theme, Stoneking offers that the UMC, a denomination with consultative status in the United Nations, is now “uniquely positioned to speak on behalf of LGBTQ+ persons in a transnational body through the language of faith.”
Here, she encourages other denominations to follow their lead and continue their retreat from biblical Christianity while transforming into a large, non-governmental institution:
While algorithms create smaller and more niche echo chambers, large, non-governmental institutions that cross nationality boundaries but carry unifying identities like common faith or denominational identity have the power to be conduits of both complexity and community.
Put another way, “let’s be more like that.”
Stoneking concludes by “(inviting) all into furthering transnational communities that champion spirituality, compassion, and dignity for all persons.”
h/t to The Juicy Ecumenicism
Church of the world. God not needed.
More like a celebration of sin, and a victory for Satan …