Trump Says IVF (Mass Murder) Costs Would Be Covered by His Govt, Insurance Companies If Elected

Demonstrating the acts of depravity and degeneracy he’ll go to be elected, and seeking to codify mass murder into law on Thursday, President Trump pledged that his government will require insurance companies to cover the cost of In vitro fertilization treatments if elected.

He later clarified with NBC News:

“I was always for IVF. Right from the beginning, as soon as we heard about it. It’s helping women and men and families. But it’s helping women able to have a baby. Some have great difficulty and a lot of them have been very happy with the results as you know. And what we’re doing, and we’re doing this because we just think it’s great. And we need great children, beautiful children in our country, we actually need them,. Under the Trump administration, we are going to be paying for that treatment. We are paying for that treatment….or we’re going to be mandating that the insurance company pay. We want to produce babies in this country, right?”

This is a disastrous policy, as IVF is almost always mass murder and the wholesale slaughter of pre-born children. This is because life begins at conception, and IVF conceives and then kills MILLIONS of babies, something Trump believes the Republican Party should be a “leader” on.

According to the American Pregnancy Association, there are five steps involved in IVF:

  1. Doctors stimulate the development of eggs in a woman’s ovaries by injecting her with hormones and fertility drugs.
  2. The eggs are extracted from the woman’s uterus through an invasive surgical procedure.
  3. A male donor produces and donates sperm.
  4. A scientist mixes together the eggs and sperm in a petri-dish. Sometimes, the scientist will puncture the eggs and inject them with sperm (Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection). The eggs are then monitored until they are fertilized and become embryos.
  5. About 3-5 days later, the scientist places the embryos into the woman’s uterus with a tube (catheter). Implantation of the embryo into the uterine wall or womb is hoped to occur about 6-10 days later.

But IVF is costly, costing tens of thousands, if not hundreds of thousands of dollars. Because of the expense and the low probability of success upon the first implantation, especially when women are over the age of 35, doctors won’t just create, cultivate and implant a single embryo but rather frequently will extract 20-40 eggs at a time, which are fertilized with the man’s sperm.

Because of the high costs, even with Trump pledging insurance companies will cover it, it is extremely rare for a doctor to cultivate, combine, and implant a single embryo. Instead, they will get a few dozen going and then run genetic health tests and sift through them to find the “healthiest” embryos to implant, usually 2-5 at once, hoping that at least one “takes.” Doctors will monitor, and if “too many babies” are conceived, doctors will use the process of “fetal reduction” or “selective reduction” to eliminate the excess offspring.

What happens to the rest of the unused embryos? The other 25 or so they created and won’t have to use because the woman became pregnant on the third round after blowing through 10 other babies? They are treated as property. They are either destroyed or frozen for years until they are ultimately discarded because the couple gets tired of paying $1000 a year to keep them alive.

Only between 7-15% of all embryos artificially created ever come to term. The rest are all ultimately killed. Most estimates put the number of babies left in a perpetual frozen state until their demise to be between 400,000- 920,000, with millions murdered since the technology emerged.

And Trump just announced he wants to see more of this.

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3 thoughts on “Trump Says IVF (Mass Murder) Costs Would Be Covered by His Govt, Insurance Companies If Elected

  1. These last few months have been very disappointing. I am not even sure if it’s possible to call Trump a conservative anymore. I am getting closer and closer to not being able to vote for Trump as he is essentially becoming a Democrat from 2006. I absolutely won’t vote for a demonic democrat either though. This is a very sad election year. Conservatism is essentially dying in politics.

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