Famed UMC Bishop, Who Denied the Divinity of Christ For Years, Retires On Her Own Terms

Demonstrating what a hellhole of sin, sacrilege, and satanic cowardice the United Methodist Church has become, a prominent Bishop who has for years denied the divinity of Christ has finally retired on her own terms, according to a recent article, by Juicy Ecumenism, which calls her one of the” key architects of the UMC’s recent liberalization on human sexuality.”
Bishop Karen Oliveto, a raging heretic if there ever was one, retired from the denomination’s Western Jurisdiction this week. She was elected Bishop in 2016 despite being “same-sex married,” which is against the denomination’s book of discipline. A year later, the United Methodist Judicial Council, the denomination’s highest court, ruled her election invalid in a 6-3 decision, but she was never removed from her position because most of the leadership is spiritually compromised and hates Christ.
In 2017, she got in a smidge of hot water after preaching a since-deleted- but-captured-below sermon she she warned people not to make an idol of Jesus, as he had “bigotries and prejudices” just like everyone else, and had to learn to change his mind about them. (click to enlarge)
“If Jesus can change, if He can give up His bigotries and prejudices, if He can realize that He had made His life too small, and if, in this realization, He grew closer to others and closer to God, then so can we.”

While complaints were raised, they were all resolved “hush-hush” behind closed doors, and the UMC at large was never told what became of them.
And now she’s retiring, not being forced out, on her own terms. Juicy Ecumenism notes that her replacement is more of the same.
Oliveto’s successor, Kristin Stoneking, also a married lesbian, seems entirely in lockstep with her predecessor’s radical progressivism. At PSR, which styles itself as a “progressive Christian seminary,” Stoneking wrote an op-ed hailing the 2024 General Conference as an example for other denominations to follow. Stoneking also welcomed the UMC’s retreat from traditional Christian ministry and transformation into a “large, non-governmental institution.” In an interview with her conference, Stoneking followed Oliveto in describing the Traditional Plan as a moment of “deep despair.”
Bonus: this pic of her being the worst.

Every single UMC female pastor/bishop/pope that I have seen is a large, unattractive lesbian/dyke looking pagan. Every one without exception.
That’s pretty much true of most of the people who have taken over religion – so many are gay, so many are large, unattractive females (and I’m a woman just to be clear), and I figure they take over so they can prevent any negative messages about their activities. They misunderstand the nature of sin. Sin is basically creating disorder by going against the template of life that God created. It’s enumerated in the 10 Commandments, not suggestions, and illustrated by many OT Bible stories where the consequences of sin are shown. Ms. Retired Bishop needs to learn the story about Sodom & Gomorrah which wasn’t about a lack of hospitality. It was about being unable to control their sexual natures and going against the template God created to reproduce species. Male and female he created them, not two males and two females together. When we go against God’s established order of creation, chaos ensues and generations are effected. Truly, the wages of sin are death….we’ve reached a point now where we as humans can barely reproduce…and many don’t want to.
It’s all about justifying themselves and their activities and forcing acceptance on the rest of us.
Hillary Clinton is a Methodist. That tells you all you need to know about that. Also, someone needs to tell Ms. Retired Bishop that Joe Biden’s Taliban – you know – the ones he gave the US air base and all our equipment to a couple of years back – have once again banned women showing their faces and speaking out in public. I’m sure they have EXTRA large burkas for this one.
You Protestants created this monster. The fact that there are so many Protestant denominations who make their own rules and interpret the Bible in their own way made his possible. Leftists infiltrate institutions. They are very motivated to co-opt and corrupt those institutions. Female “pastors” and “bishops” are at the forefront of this movement to corrupt your churches. Conversely we have Pope Francis who trying the some of the same things but with much less success because the Catholic Church has dogma and a catechism which is the result of its 2000 year history and is not very easy for even a Pope to change. In Protestantism a gang of progressives, can take over the church and change the dogma by popular vote. Return to the Catholic Church and help us keep Christianity alive.
I would not want to stand in her shoes at the Foot of the Throne.
It all goes back to the same lie Satan has used since the beginning of time “Did God really say………..?”
“You Protestants created this monster. The fact that there are so many Protestant denominations who make their own rules and interpret the Bible in their own way made his possible.” You go by man made rules and not what the Bible says because YOU are told not to read the Bible. I know what goes on in the catholic church directly because I’m involved with one on a weekly basis. You do worship Mary. You sing and pray to Mary. You removed the 2nd commandment to get around the idols commandment. I know, I know. Catholics have the REAL Bible and the rest of us are missing it. Just heard a priest tell a congregation recently that he knew someone who died, went to pergatory and then came back. Only thing is – pergatory is not a real place. It is only an object to get you to turn over hard cash to the church that tells you if you don’t attend mass you are sinning. And nearly every “dead back to life” story has been completely debunked.
Before you point a finger at others, you might take a look at the 4 staring back at you. Urge you to look up the website “Proclaiming the Gospel” for helping with opening your eyes to the truth.