Pope Francis Says Intentionally Opposing Migration is a ‘Grave Sin’

Pope Francis’s radical progressivism continues to be on full display, with the decrepit pontiff insisting that anyone who intentionally and deliberately refuses to aid migrants in their attempts to enter other countries illegally is committing a “grave sin.”

While there is no such thing as a ‘good’ pope, since they are the head of an evil and wicked heterodox church, Francis has been particularly noxious and vexatious, doing things like affirming the faith of Joe Biden and saying he would never refuse him communion because the President’s love for abortion is between him and God, endorsing civil unions for gay couples, appointing multiple pro-choice people to his pro-life organization, appointing a notorious pro-LGBTQ priest to a major post, releasing an outrageously blasphemous statement, and insisting that “people are fundamentally good” and that “the heart itself is good.” 

During his Wednesday weekly audience, Pope Francis commented on recent stories of migrants crossing the Mediterranean from Africa and the Middle East into Europe, frequently perishing when their small boats are capsized.

He decried the militarization of the border and insisted that it was a “grave sin,” otherwise known as a mortal sin that damns to hell if not repented of, to fight against and oppose mass migration intentionally, even though we’ve seen in many countries the devastating effects it has been on the culture, economy, and ethos.

“We must say it clearly, there are those who work systemically and with every means to reject migrants. And this, when does with conscience and responsibility is a grave sin. The Lord is with our migrants in our sea. The Lord is with them, not with those who push them back.”

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3 thoughts on “Pope Francis Says Intentionally Opposing Migration is a ‘Grave Sin’

  1. “The pontiff specifically condemned those who “who systematically work, using all means, to push back migrants” instead of creating more humane methods for them to be vetted and organized.

    “And when this is done consciously and responsibly, it is a grave sin,” he continued. “Let us not forget what the Bible says: ‘You shall not wrong or oppress a foreigner.’”

    Protestants avoiding the context of a line to push their own lies. Where I have seen that before ?.. oh right.

  2. The Bible does say not to oppress foreigners already living among the Israelites. It also says foreigners were to be charged interest, not to be welcomed into the Lord’s sanctuary, were not freed of debt ever 7 years, would serve the Israelites , were not to bring worship of foreign gods with them, and several more distinctions were made. At no place does the Bible say that foreigners who barge in illegally should be welcomed. The main concern was the worship of false gods. Isaiah 56:3,6, Numbers 9:14, etc. Which means Muslims worshiping a false god, and bringing in the false foreign god, would not have been allowed. This “pope” knows he’s taking scripture out of context, cherry-picking for his own ends. And he does it on purpose. That’s the grave sin. Many foreigners indeed were grafted in, and became Jews even though they did not have blood lineage. Many weren’t. There were criteria. There were requirements. There were LAWS. If the foreigner didn’t honor those laws, the foreigner was unwelcome. The same way if someone enters the Vatican without permission, they’re arrested.

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