Deliverance Minister Claims There are Nephilim Living in the Hollow Earth, and that Jonah and the Whale Used Underwater Portals To Get There

Daniel Duval is the founder and Executive Director of Bride Ministries International, a church and family of believers that “specialize” in healing the sick, doing deliverance ministry, and “manifesting miracles.” They “unlock these realities in a practical way through equipping men and women with tools for advanced spiritual warfare, deliverance, inner healing, and discipleship to maturity in Christ.”
His vision is to build a “world-class platform that caters to survivors of satanic ritual abuse and government-sponsored mind control agendas,” the first step which is casting demons out and doing exorcisms. Here are some of the assessments he offers. Pay attention to the last two.

Clearly, he’s easily one of the most unhinged charismatic characters we’ve ever met.
The creator of the unironically named podcast “Discovering Truth,” Duval believes in the Hollow Earth theory, where there is a whole civilization in the middle of the globe that is being kept and hidden from us by the Illuminati. He also believes there are “portals” through the earth that people can travel to, and believes and teaches the existence of mermaids, underwater kingdoms, Nephilim living in underground cities, aliens, reptilians, werewolves, that there are cults, Jesuit priests, and militaries in competition to see who can create the best human-animal hybrids, you name it.
In a recent video with unhinged Katie Souza, he explains some of this further, insisting that Jonah and the whale that swallowed him literally took underwater portals into Sheol.
Now, with the Hollow Earth, I had a client for a long time. We did a number of shows together. His name is Robert Van Dries Mitchell. He was the one that told me about going on TR3Bs, which are these triangular crafts, because he defected from the Illuminati.
He went into the Hollow Earth through some of the entrance points. He even gave me a list of them on the physical earth- this is how they go in go through these gates and they come out in the hollow earth. He described to me corporations, there are Nephilim giants down there, there are different continents down there, a ton of activity and certain beings, and we can maybe leave that off the table for now or go there, I don’t know what you want to do, but definitely described to me hollow earth and I’ve had others that have been up and dow-.
He continues:
One of the statements that you find in the Bible is Jonah, he actually gets swallowed by this fish, right? And then in chapter two, you see that he cries out from the belly of Sheol. What I tell people is the fish used an underwater labyrinth that leads to basically an underwater system of portals, essentially, to go into different pockets and areas of the earth.
There are many portals underwater, naturally occurring and otherwise. And this fish actually took Jonah to Sheol. It wasn’t just a figure of speech or a metaphor. Like he was there. And I’ve had these described to me by certain people who have memories of their experiences going through them as well.
And so it’s in the word of God. One of the things that Satan says when he is going before the Lord in the book of Job, is that he was walking to and fro across the earth and going up and down on it… you know, the Bible says every knee must bow at the name of Jesus in heaven and on earth and under the earth…the Bible isn’t pulling its punches on this conversation.
Worldly music isn’t spiritually good for Christians. But, the song ‘who let the dogs out’ always buzz’s in my head except with ‘who let the kooks out’ whenever I read what these nuts say.
The problem with any assertions such as these is proving them. That being said, there is more than enough evidence today to declare portals are a real thing, as are interdimensional phenomena (demons, ufos, etc.).
But why make this a subject of a church service? Does this further the cause of Christ and bringing individuals to repentance? I don’t believe it does.
obviously a disturbed individual who has blurred the boundary between reality and fantasy.