Megachurch Pastor to Pay Ex-Wife $1.3M, $12,000/month in Alimony

A megachurch pastor in North Carolina has agreed to pay his ex-wife $12k/month in alimony over the next nine years after filing for divorce after 33 years of marriage.

The couple have four adult children.

Gilbert Andre Thompson, Jr. is the pastor of World Overcomers Christian Church in Durham. According to his bio, “God has used him to both plant and lead the explosive 15,000-member strong World Overcomers Christian Church, which is one of the fastest-growing churches in America…God is also using him to impact over 1 million people each week through his innovative, in-your-face, Faith-Filled television program called “The Truth” for over ten years.”

Notably, he has written two books on marriage: Real Love Dating and Real Love Marriage.

According to the Roys report, he finalized his divorce from his wife, Dequilla LaShawn Thompson, last month and has agreed to pay her $1.3M in alimony over the next nine years, which is broken up into monthly payments of $12k.

She is also getting a small rental property valued at around $154,000 and retaining all the property and assets of her business.

For his part, he gets to retain their 14,000sqf mansion, (below) which sits on 58 acres and is valued at $2.8M, When he sells, she will only receive $50,000 from the purchase.

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9 thoughts on “Megachurch Pastor to Pay Ex-Wife $1.3M, $12,000/month in Alimony

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  2. That person IS NOT a pastor. He is nothing but a con-man, a shyster, a liar who seeks only to enrich himself by misleading others in the name of Christ.
    He is beyond despicable. God reserves a special punishment for those who deliberately mislead others in His name.

  3. Christianity, fake as a three dollar bill.
    Look at our congress, 535 members, which all but maybe 10 are christians, and look how they have looted our nation for over 200 years. Every idiot christian politician goes into congress dirt poor, and come out multi millionaires.
    They are so vile there has to be a slush fund to pay for all the sex scandals these wonderful christians are involved in.
    12 piece of shit christians sentenced me to prison for something I didn’t do. These evil freaks claim to talk to god, yet sentence innocent people to prison.
    Being self employed, the worst criminal scammer trash I ever dealt with were christians church goers. Christians worship money, not god.
    And how many different versions of this fake garbage are there??? Hundreds and hundreds . If you weren’t fake shit, there would be one and only one christian religion, not hundreds.

    1. Quite a load of it there.
      Don’t confuse congress with church. Politicians have a habit of saying anything to get elected, even claiming to be christian if they think it helps. Just don’t confuse these losers with a true christian. As for the slush fund, I’m in total agreement with you, but once again, don’t confuse these pos with a God fearing christian.
      You didn’t tell us anything about your criminal record. Do you have one? Not much to go on here as to what happened. What were you self-employed at exactly that anyone scammed you? And why are you calling a thief a christian? Christians don’t worship money. Health and Wealth ‘pastors’ and their congregants do, however.
      And Truepatriot, don’t let a few memories that you think are caused by christians deter you from finding the one true God in Jesus. You say there is only one true church? You are absolutely correct in that. There will be people in heaven from many different church denominations, but they all follow the same savior, Jesus. If you actually looked for a God fearing/believing church you might be surprised. I actually tried to keep one foot in heaven and one here on earth for a long time, but I finally just told Jesus to take charge. And I can’t say I ever did anything more fulfilling and peaceful in my life. God bless.

    2. Brother, I can tell you this: there are evil people amongst every group of people. At best, it’s a flat 1-4% of any group, depending on what range of evil you think of. And, frankly, many groups have a higher percentage. What am I talking about? Take any group, whether preachers, NBA refs, nurses, any group, and a certain amount of those people are flat out evil. It looks like you ran into an example of that. Life is tragic for everyone. I suggest you read the Bible on your own, give it a shot. Pray for a better situation, but don’t allow a small group of people to ruin your opinion of people who are as innocent as you are. Blaming all the Christians who didn’t put you in jail makes about as much sense as putting you in jail, right?

      1. Brother, those for profit preachers with their Megachurches who prey on their flock, and use the bulk of donations to the church in order to live the lifestyle of the rich and famous, are a POX on society, and should be held to a higher level of scrutinization, seeing that the majority of the money they receive from their flock members comes from those in their retirement years and are many times living paycheck to paycheck makes their fleecing even more dispicaple
        Some have become so bold that they blatantly brag about the many expensive things they have purchased for themselves with church donations, like cars, mansions, and jets planes
        Try to keep up Skippy !!!

  4. Every for profit and Megachurch leader need to be audited and the results made public.
    They are all an affront to the faithful, and are nothing more than religious con artists.
    Hopefully they can experience man’s justice before they face God’s judgement.

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