Megan Basham’s Book ‘Shepherds for Sale’ Leaps To the Top of the Charts

Although it has only been out for a few days, Megan Basham’s new book Shepherds for Sale has already been climbing the charts, achieving the top spot in several categories. (We posted our definitive review here.) Deemed an Amazon ‘Bestseller, it has attained the #1 status in:

  • Christian Ministry
  • Theology
  • Political Corruption and Misconduct
  • Christian Social Issues
  • Christian Canon Law

The book, which exposes “The left-wing billionaires, foundations, and think tanks that deliberately target Christian media, universities, megachurches, nonprofits, and even entire denominations, the celebrity megachurch pastor who secretly encouraged a group of pastors to change their views on sexuality, and the revered Presbyterian theologian who backed a congregation rebelling against his own denomination,” is #4 in the Christianity Category on Amazon and #4 in iTunes’ Top 100 Religion & Spirituality Audiobooks

Basham noted a few days ago that it was #17 in the Top 100.

Lastly, new products have already emerged seeking to take advantage of her success, such as this completely unauthorized accompanying journal and this trashy “exercise book.”

For these reasons, we’re giving it away as a free gift for anyone who joins our Patreon at Witness level or above. We think it’s great, are eternally grateful to Megan for writing it, and are overjoyed at the success it has attained so far.

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3 thoughts on “Megan Basham’s Book ‘Shepherds for Sale’ Leaps To the Top of the Charts

  1. We need more books like this that expose the behind-the-scenes worldly greed that steers some of these congregations.

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  2. Considering Gavin Ortland’s response along with his acolytes it’s quite telling. Ortlands supporters are acting just the same way the secular world acts, review bombing the book instead of actually addressing their objections with tangible arguments as opposed to personal opinions.

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