Trump Insists ‘I’m NOT Christian’ at Campaign Stop?

Former President Trump has some Believers puzzling over comments he made at a recent campaign stop in West Palm Beach, where he encourages Christians to vote “just this time” so they won’t have to vote anymore, while *seemingly* admitting that he himself is not a Christian in an audio clip widely shared on social media:

And again, Christians get out and vote, just this time.

You won’t have to do it anymore. Four more years, you know what? It’ll be fixed. It’ll be fine. You won’t have to vote anymore, my beautiful Christians. I love you, Christians. I’m a/not Christian. I love you. Get out. You got to get out and vote. In four years, you don’t have to vote again. We’ll have it fixed so good you’re not going to have to vote.

Notably in another clip, it sounds much more like he said “I’m a Christian.”

This has sparked a reaction:

To our ears it sounds like he said “I’m not Christian,” which doesn’t make sense given his former affirmation, and so it’s like he may have misspoke, slightly slurred his words, or the mic audio wasn’t clear and he affirmed ‘I’m a Christian.’

Not that it would matter much, in a sense.

Trump has previously talked about his religious beliefs, revealing that he’s a Presbyterian and that he loves his church (when he actually went). However, the pastor and church he loves was Norman Vincent Peale, a deceased rank heretic who led Marble Collegiate Church and popularized the concept of positive thinking.

Couple this with the troubling remarks on his own faith, everything from not asking for forgiveness for his sins to bearing decades of bad fruit, and we have no reason to suppose Trump is a true believer, regardless of what he says in the above clip.

For this reason, we encourage everyone to pray for him, that he might be saved.

Trump on forgiveness

Update. Added a new vid and clarified remarks

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6 thoughts on “Trump Insists ‘I’m NOT Christian’ at Campaign Stop?

  1. In the first clip it seems like he says “I’m a Christian” rather than saying he’s not, but it sounds jumbled up, causing the confusion. That being said, I personally have never seen any reason to accept him as a regenerate person. Politically, he’s the best option we have at present, but I pray for his salvation.

  2. This article is dishonest and meant to be divisive! Is Trump perfect? No! Christian? Not our call to make! He obviously says, “I am a Christian!” His NY accent must be taken into account.

    Is he perfectly pro-life? No! But, let’s give him credit for his Supreme Court picks which ushered in a win for pro-lifers. A feat that other R’s never touched. Additionally, he is for religious liberty in a way that no others have been. Not to mention, he’s light years better in the issue than any D, especially Kamala Harris.

    Congrats! You got your headline. Your 2-but website and social accounts will get some traffic. However, causing doubt about what he said is dishonest. Thankfully your reach is VERY minimal and won’t sway anything. Anyone with ears and honesty can plainly hear he did NOT say what your headline says. How about making it right?

    1. Its a GOOD thing there are people who DONT rely on your discernment for truth.
      What Christian man would go to the Wailing wall an partake in an other religions ceremony, unless he was part of that religion… Who moved the capital? whos on the Israel coin with Cyrus, Who signed the Noa Hide Laws… Yeah, the Guy Youre trying to defend

  3. This article is dishonest and meant to be divisive! Is Trump perfect? No! Christian? Not our call to make! He obviously says, “I am a Christian!” His NY accent must be taken into account.

    Is he perfectly pro-life? No! But, let’s give him credit for his Supreme Court picks which ushered in a win for pro-lifers. A feat that other R’s never touched. Additionally, he is for religious liberty in a way that no others have been. Not to mention, he’s light years better in the issue than any D, especially Kamala Harris.

    Congrats! You got your headline. Your 2-but website and social accounts will get some traffic. However, causing doubt about what he said is dishonest. Thankfully your reach is VERY minimal and won’t sway zanything. Anyone with ears and honesty can plainly hear he did NOT say what your headline says. How about making it right?

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