Subway Worker Denies Street Preachers Service Over ‘Anti-Abortion, Anti-LGBTQ Shirt Message

A controversial street preacher group is up in arms after being refused service at a Wisconsin Subway store, with at least one activist present revealing he’s planning to sue the sandwich chain.

Wearing “homo sex is sin,” “abortion is murder,” and “Planned Parenthood murders children and rapes their mothers,” the five evangelists, including David Grisham, who made news last year after dressing up in a Grinch costume and telling children that Santa isn’t real, are seen on film trying to order sandwiches and then being refused service, with the woman admitting that it was on account of their t-shirts.

Some members of the group, along with Grisham, are associated with the Official Street Preachers. The group is known for its aggressive style, impossible-to-miss signs, and inflammatory rhetoric, which occasionally involves provocations, crass insults, and tactics designed to enrage rather than engage. Sadly, many in this group are often unable to differentiate between being persecuted for the Lord’s sake and persecuted because they are jerks.

One member of the group who was filming, Rich Penkoski who leads the ministry Warriors for Christ, said he’s intending to bring forth litigation in the same way Jack Phillips, the wedding cake baker, had litigation brough towards him.

We didn’t say anything to her, we didn’t make a fuss; we didn’t make a scene…Why is it that we can’t refuse service to homosexuals, but we’re expected to just take the discrimination from them? Don’t they want equality? Should (we) sue them the way they sue us? Isn’t that equal?”

According to attorney Dale Nowicki, who shared the story on X, if the facts are as the street preachers present them, they likely have a case.

Wisconsin State civil rights law section 106.52 prohibits discrimination in places of public accommodation because of Creed.

The statute of limitations for filing a complaint is 300 days from the date the action was taken.

Places of public accommodation can include restaurants and any other place where goods or services are available. The law prohibits Denying full and equal enjoyment of a place of public accommodation.

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3 thoughts on “Subway Worker Denies Street Preachers Service Over ‘Anti-Abortion, Anti-LGBTQ Shirt Message

  1. Just because you don’t like the methodology of certain street preachers is no cause to call them “jerks”. I don’t much like your methodology of so-called journalism.

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