New TV Show ‘The Promised Land’ Features Moses’s Story In Style of ‘The Office,’ ‘Parks and Recreation’

A new TV comedy has been released featuring the aftermath of Moses and the Israelite’s escape from Egypt, telling the Exodus story told through the mockumentary style of The Office or Parks and Recreation.

Created by Mitch Hudson, who cut his teeth as an assistant director on The Chosen, the series stars Wasim No’Mani as Moses, Majed Sayess as Aaron, and Sheeran Khan as Miriam.

Riffing on everything from war with the Amalekites: ” no no no we don’t need to look that way, it’s a bloody horrible battle” when the camera attempts to pan to the fighting, to Moses dealing with the monotony of daily complaints of Israelites about their situation, from pestilence growth on their feet, practicalities of gathering manna, to a parents frustrated because their son won’t leave home at 14 (rather than the typical 18-year timeframe in modern times. )

It also features a scene-stealing Egyptian Soldier named Chisisi, (now “retired”) who was chasing the Egyptians and “ended up on the wrong side of the sea” and is seeking to blend in, and the rabble rouser Korah, the antagonist of the series (think ‘Dwight’) who is also suspicious of Chisisi, all to comedic effect.

The first episode is available on YouTube below:

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3 thoughts on “New TV Show ‘The Promised Land’ Features Moses’s Story In Style of ‘The Office,’ ‘Parks and Recreation’

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  2. The trailer was so cringey.

    Why do we feel the need to dress scripture with worldly storytelling methods?

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