Conservative Media Personality Todd Starnes Urges Christians To Leave Their Churches If Their Pastor Did NOT Mention Trump Attack During Service

Conservative media personality Todd Starnes has engaged in some catastrophically bad theology, urging churchgoers to find another church if their pastor did not mention the foiled assassination attempt on Trump’s life over the weekend.
“If your pastor did not address the assassination attempt in today’s service, you need to find another church. There is tremendous spiritual warfare being waged in this country. This is no time for limp-wristed wokevangelicals.

He earlier shared his own church’s practices:

Put another way, Starnes is saying that church can have sound elders who faithfully and boldly preach the gospel through verse-by-verse exposition, lead the church well, have withstood government pressures to close during COVID, practice righteous church discipline, and create a truly healthy body of believers through their care and oversight, and yet… according to Starnes, if they failed to address the assassination attempt during Sunday’s service, all the congregants should abandon the church and go elsewhere.
That by virtue of not mentioning it during that specific service, these pastors are necessarily “limp-wristed wokevangelicals.”
And the prohibition doesn’t seem relegated to only not American churches but those worldwide, including Australia, Canada, Germany, Nigeria, Japan, etc, must bow the knee and talk about this attempt on the former President’s life, lest they be de disqualified.
It is a completely unbiblical and trashy take, and Starnes should delete his post for trying to get Christians to abandon good churches over this stupid reason.
a bit strawman-y. if pastors didnt even at least mention it in prayer for the nation. do you really think they do/did those other things? perhaps a couple but not much more than that.
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Evangelical Dark Web shared a similar sentiment but did not take it as far:
I like to think a real church isn’t getting its doctrine on how a church functions by a conservative talking head? I hope not. And ironically, we are supposed to pray for all of our leaders. Not just the ones we like.