SC Church Leaders Defend Registered Sex Offender Pastor: ‘We do not feel that sexual sin with a minor permanently disqualifies (him) from the pulpit’

(Ministry Watch) Community members are stunned and demanding greater transparency from a South Carolina church after learning its pastor is a registered sex offender.
Don Logan, 57, pastor of Eternal Church in Fort Mill since 2015, was convicted of child sex abuse in 1997.
According to Indiana court records, Logan pleaded guilty to a felony charge of sexual misconduct with a minor younger than 16 as part of a plea agreement in 1997. He was sentenced to three years in prison, with an additional three years suspended pending his adherence to probation. According to the South Carolina sex offender registry, the victim in the case was a 14-year-old girl.
As part of the agreement, the court also ruled that Logan “relinquish his minister’s license, that he have no contact with any minor without adult supervision…to continue reading click here.
This article was written by Kim Roberts and published at Ministry Watch
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If these people do not repent, they will all be condemned to hell fire for eternity.
Revelation 20:10
And the devil, who deceived them, was thrown into the lake of burning sulfur, where the beast and the false prophet had been thrown. They will be tormented day and night for ever and ever.
Psalm 9:17
The wicked will return to Sheol,
Even all the nations who forget God.
it’s called statutory rape. anyone who has sex with a minor should be executed. sexual deviants are never rehabilitated. I would never attend this “church”
Satan is firmly in charge of this church and sadly,,, MOST churches. My own church protected and provided for a bush rat, pedophile. They gave him access to the youth house for showering, let him sleep in the church van and the santuary, let him attend services with children present, and even gave him unmonitored access to the church online computer(s) (later confiscated by the local PD).
When the membership finally began to suspect what the bush rat was, they asked the church board if it was true that the rat was a pedophile… The board answered, that the bush rat was not a convicted pedophile. It seems, his sister was the convicted pedophile. He only went to prison for child pornography.
So, how is it that a pastor, and the entire chuch board, allowed a monster into the church? Answer, Satan is in charge.
Just a couple of points. I will bet big that this is just the first time this guy has been caught. He’s done this before.
I am an Orthodox Christian. When I tried to be a “good” Protestant, the same thing that ruins all Protestants was hindering me as well. It’s not enough to just admit that you’ve sinned. In order to fully recover from sin, you need to go to a priest, confess your sin and make every effort to follow the priest’s prescription for a full recovery and BE ABSOLVED of your sin!
UPDATE: The name of the “church” has been changed to Eternal Condemnation Church.