Presbyterian Pastor Denies The Virgin Birth ‘It’s Biology 101’

Rev. Mark Sandlin is the senior impastor at Presbyterian Church of the Covenant, a small PCUSA congregation in Greensboro, NC. The church describes itself as “an inclusive community, experiencing, exploring, appreciating, celebrating the spiritual foundation of existence” while also “affirm(ing) the presence of that which has been traditionally called God in human life.”
Sandlin received his M. Div. from Wake Forest University’s School of Divinity, is the co-founder of The Christian Left, and writes at The God Article. Most of his theological beliefs were whispered to him by the devil himself, however, as he is easily the most progressive PCUSA ‘pastor’ we’ve ever seen.
We last encountered him after he insisted that Jesus was not God, something that is not enough to have him booted from the heretical Presbyterian Church USA denomination, and in a recent sermon series, he insisted that Jesus was not supernaturally born of a virgin, but rather the sexual union between Mary and another man.
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He’s a charlatan and a hoaxer. A wolf that the stupid sheep in his charge can’t see because they don’t read or believe God’s word. Presbyterian USA is not a real church it’s a cult.
Yet another individual biblically unfit to teach – America’s pulpits are increasingly full of these wolves.
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