Jemar Tisby Unleashes Wild Conspiracies About Biden Debate Loss, While Forlorn Kristin Du Mez Looks On

During a late-night episode of the Convocation Unscripted, visibly shellshocked and forlorn hosts Kristin Du Mez, Jemar Tisby, and Robert P. Jones lamented the debate between Trump and Biden and the thrashing that the current President endured at the hand of his challenger.
Tisby, in particular, seemed most affected, insisting that a Trump victory would be “the end of democracy as we know it” because Trump and a GOP administration would ensure that there would never be a fair debate again.
By way of context, Tibsy is the author of The Color of Compromise and How to Fight Racism who has an openly pro-choice, pro-LGBTQ woman leading his Christian organization who has praised and platformed a Universalist Anti-Christ pastrix, who suggested that White Republicans support “White Supremacy, Racism, Sexism, Ableism, Homophobia, Islamophobia + Elitism.”
Du Mez is an LGBTQ-affirming Calvin Univerity professor who wishes Christians didn’t take such an immovable and hard line against abortion and has joined rank with apostates and heretics for conferences.
Tisby: Here’s the danger: if Trump wins there will never be a fair debate. And it will go beyond him because he’ll set things up, and his administration will set things up, such that people who do traffic in actual facts and are trying to make actual points based on data, they won’t get there, They won’t get to that platform. Or if they do, they won’t have a chance to win.
And so that’s the danger I think, that people need to see beyond the two hours of debate that we saw this evening. Nothing’s is actually changed in the landscape in terms of our political calculus right? That if Trump wins, I don’t think it’s an exaggeration to say it’s the end of democracy as we know it.
Which would include not just ‘oh how we vote,’ but even something like debates, which no one even debates, right? Debate is a debate-that’s something, it’s predictable, we can count on, love them or hate it, we know what to expect.
No. Not under a Trump presidency, a GOP administration, not in the foreseeable future if that happens.
Du Mez: So that was more powerful and more coherent than anything I heard in those two hours, right?And then that’s the tragedy here.
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The combined IQ of those three wouldn’t break triple-digits…
One-third of those surveyed thought that Joe Biden won the debate. That same one-third of America is delusional. Trump has ALREADY been president and none of the things they suggested happened. All rubbish.