Bye Bye Barber: Clint Pressley Elected President of the SBC

Clint Pressley, the Senior Pastor of Hickory Grove Baptist Church in Charlotte, NC, has been elected President of the Southern Baptist Convention, taking over from Bart Barber and beating out Dan Spencer in the third runoff.

Notably, David Allen, our second pick for SBC President after Jared Moore, lost to Dan Spencer by a mere 23 votes in the second round.

We’ve been critical of Pressley in the pass and have argued that has been swimming in the woke side of the pool since at least 2014, when he was defending his church’s hiring of an illegal immigrant (with requisite support for open borders) in 2018, quoting woke SBTS professor Jarvis Williams’ claim that Jesus “died for an interracial bride” in a sermon, and has previously expressed support for Russell Moore and Matthew Hall’s labeling of so-called “racial justice” as a “gospel issue.” All this what the standard world-synchronized, Ezell-Greear-Moore-Floyd platform position has been for many years.

On a brighter note, Pressley did express support for the Law Amendment’s clarification of a male-only pastorate as a condition of friendly cooperation and, unlike Bart Barber who would routinely ignore us, Pressely has been surprisingly open and accommodating to us, responding to our messages in Twitter/ X Dm’s and sending us information when we’ve requested it.

When we asked him Tuesday evening how he felt about getting to the second round, before voting concluded the next day, he told us “I’m thankful to have made it this far and look forward to tomorrow trusting the Lords will will be done.”

The Lord’s will is done now, and now it’s time for him to lead well. Pray for Pressley, as he and the SBC are going to need it.

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