Church Denies Blind Woman Entry to Service, Arguing Their Music and Flashing Lights Are ‘Innapropriate’ For Guide Dog

A Texas woman visiting a church service last Sunday alleges officials turned her away and barred her entry because their loud music and flashing lights were “inappropriate” for her guide dog.

Mari Ramos was looking forward to visiting a new church with her guide dog ‘Betty,’ when church officials confronted her about her furry companion and denied her access. She told KBTX News:

“I had somebody say to me on Sunday, well I’m not denying you. I’m denying your service animal. Well, by extension, you are denying me because Betty and I are a cohesive unit..there was just this feeling of being turned away, this feeling of embarrassment, this feeling of being excluded from something.”

While governments, businesses, and non-profits must comply with the American Disabilities Act (ADA) and allow service animals entry into their spaces, churches and religious institutions are exempt.

When asked why she was being turned away, the church, which was not named because they did nothing illegal, said their music and light show were “inappropriate” for guide dogs.

Ramos said her dog has years of extensive and specialized training, including being calm and focused throughout all sorts of noise and chaos, and that she should be able to decide what sort of environment is inappropriate or not.

From the looks of things, however, Ramos is way better off NOT attending that service.

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3 thoughts on “Church Denies Blind Woman Entry to Service, Arguing Their Music and Flashing Lights Are ‘Innapropriate’ For Guide Dog

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  3. That means their music and light show stinks and is “inappropriate” for a real church, which theirs is not.

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