United Methodists Lose One Million Members in One Day, After Oversees Contingent Cuts Ties Over Same-Sex Support

In a continued blistering indictment against the destructive and damned United Methodist Church denomination, their largest overseas jurisdiction has voted to cut ties with them over their support of same-sex marriage and all things gay at their General Conference earlier this month, resulting in a loss of over a million members in a single day.
The United Methodist Church in the Ivory Coast (EMUCI), which has been vocal about the denomination’s drift, held an extraordinary session on May 28th and pulled the trigger, casting their votes to disaffiliate “For reasons of conscience before God and His word, the supreme authority in matters of faith and life.”
Denominational leaders within the EMUCI have been unyielding in their resistance to the LGBTQ, declaring that their American counterparts “deviate from the Holy Scriptures” and prefer “to sacrifice its honor and integrity to honor the LGBTQ community.”
Unlike the UMC, the EMUCI has been growing steadily and has long been the denomination’s largest conference, along with being one of the most vocal against the direction they’ve been heading. This split was foreshadowed earlier this month at the General Conference, when the President of the EMCUI, Bishop Benjamin Boni, told those gathered as a result of their move to embrace LGBTQ deviancy: “The United Methodist Church now rests on socio-cultural values that have consumed its doctrinal and disciplinary integrity.”
Good that is one million perverts not needed. They blaspheme the word of God to perpetuate their perversion.
The one million that exited the UMC were orthodox.
They LEFT the perverts …
Keep clinging to your gluttony, fatso.
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