LGBT-CRU: Leaked Cru Training Materials Prove CRU is Teaching “Gay Christianity”

CRU (formerly Campus Crusade for Christ) has been subjecting its staff to nearly seven hours of video materials promoting  SSA (Same-sex attraction) “Side B Christianity” – promoting patently unbiblical and damaging views on gender, sex, sin, and marriage – as evidenced by CRU curriculum that recently leaked online.

CRU’s LGBTQ-accepting training materials feature Revoice heretic Preston Sprinkle and “mixed-orientation marriage” Rachel Gilson telling CRU staffers that God is powerless over homosexual attraction, comparisons between the church’s supposed bad treatment of the LGBTQ “community” and Nazi treatment of gays, and full acceptance of “homosexual” and “transgender” as cultures needing gospel contextualization like any other ethnicity.

Within the various training videos, CRU staff are encouraged to “agree with and to live out our theological teachings, both Side A (open homosexuality in Christianity) and Side B (“celibate” homosexuality) theology, and accept the unbiblical presuppositions that God creates people as “homosexuals” and “transgender.”  Trainees are encouraged to change “how they believe” instead of “what they believe” in order to be sensitive to the LGBTQ “community.”

The training materials feature “Side B” mainstays like SSA lesbian Rebecca McLaughlin, Gospel Coalition contributor and reparations hustler Justin Giboney telling trainees to somehow “affirm [the] human dignity and flourishing [of LGBTQ folks]” without “affirming behaviors and beliefs,” and a bevy of self-described “transgenders,” “cisgenders,” and “whatevergenders” encouraging CRU members to deliberately avoid confrontation regarding behavior the Bible clearly attributes to those who are lost and dead in trespasses and sin, given over to shameful lusts (Romans 1:26-27).

CRU has been exposed for years as falling down the social justice and cultural Marxism rabbit hole (famously evident in their 2015, 2107, and 2019 conferences), for being funded by George Soros going as far back as 2012, and for recently ignoring their own staff, who documented multitudinous problems with the organization in a comprehensive expose. The organization’s Christ-dishonoring compromises have been chronicled by Jon Harris, Allie Beth Stuckey, the Dissenter, World Magazine, and right here at Protestia. Yet this recent leak is perhaps the most comprehensive evidence since last year at Liberty University when Rosaria Butterfield infamously called out “Revoice, Preston Sprinkle’s Exiles in Babylon Conference sponsored by his heretical Center for Faith, Sexuality and Gender and CRU” as organizations subversively pushing “Side B” theology on unsuspecting Christian college students. In response to the “oohs” from the crowd, Butterfield reminded them, “I got the receipts, people”:

Now, the receipts include CRU’s indoctrination video training, which is sure to expose what the organization would much rather keep hidden from donors who still believe it is promoting biblical Christianity on college campuses. Watch a small but indefensible sampling of their training below:

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13 thoughts on “LGBT-CRU: Leaked Cru Training Materials Prove CRU is Teaching “Gay Christianity”

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    1. That’s the best you can come up with, godless alphabet person troll?
      Go back to your gay porn sites and leave the adults to talk among themselves…

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  3. It’s no longer Campus Crusade for Christ, but more properly Campus Crusade or Christ. The Canadian branch changed its name some years ago to Power to Change, but their current training denies that the gospel has the power to change people when it comes to certain sins. II Timothy 3:5 applies here.

    As usual, those of us who hold to biblical teachings on sexuality are always depicted as the bad guys by their alleged victims; it’s never the case that the perverts are in rebellion against God.

    I somehow managed to slog all the way through the training video. The use of language is mentioned, but what isn’t mentioned is that alphabet perverts use language to obfuscate rather than to clarify. Perceptive viewers, if they can make it past the 19-minute mark, will notice that the subject changes from same-sex attraction to cultural stereotypes about masculinity, and that misdirection becomes the focus for much of the rest of the video.

    1. Why p2c leadership believes this training is biblical or beneficial is beyond me. Are you still working at P2c?

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  5. Make money online from home extra cash more than 18000 to 21000 Dollars. Start getting paid every month Thousands Dollars online. “_ERTync_” I have received 26000 Dollars in this month by just working online from home in my part time. every person easily do this job by.


  6. Why do modern “Christians” equate being nice and making everyone happy to holiness. Won’t they be surprised when Christ comes to destroy the world.

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