United Methodists Sing an “all faiths lead to God” Hymn at the 2024 General Conference

At the United Methodist Church’s 2024 General Conference, which has so far been a wokefest of heresy and blasphemy and where they overwhelmingly vote to repeal a longstanding ban on LGBTQ clergy, the denomination gathered around for an un-rousing rendition of the “hymn” Creator of the Intertwined.’
Written by Jacque B. Jones in 2004, the song was crafted to “celebrate religious diversity and encourage interfaith communications.” It purposefully eschews language that could center any religion, stripping it of anything distinctly Christian and making it appropriate to sing at any service of any world religion. UMCD explains:
Referencing scripture in a hymn about interfaith dialogue is a complex proposition; thus, no specific references from the sacred texts of any religion appear directly in the hymn..he first stanza introduces various world religions through the places they meet rather than by naming them: “forest, temple, dome, / on mountain top, in upper room.”
Creator of the Interwined
Creator of the intertwined,
you made us all unique:
each one with ears to hear faith’s call,
each one with voice to speak.
Each worships where the call is heard
in forest, temple, dome,
on mountain top, in upper room—
each one must find a home.
The song of peace is sung by all;
strength grows from unity.
In harmony we celebrate Your gift: diversity.
Can we not sing each other’s songs,
speak unfamiliar prayer?
Rejoicing in the riches found
in differences we share?
In evil’s wake we all are hurt;
when pricked, all humans bleed.
With common wounds and shared despair,
we seek the balm we need.
We do not ask before we reach
to offer our embrace,
we do not ask, “How do you pray?”
We reach with arms of grace.
Teach us to cherish what is strange
and so the richer be,
to listen with our hearts, and speak
with loving honesty.
From different sources comfort comes,
each seeks for the divine:
your voice speaks many languages,
just one of them is mine.
h/t Woke Preacher TV
Pretty sure that was written by Satan, himself…
I agree, I remember when Billy Graham and Robert Schuller said the same thing, that is when I started investigating Graham and was shocked at his True Nature.
I’m so annoyed when music is misattributed to me. I’ve only written songs for ELO (you’re welcome).
God is not amused.
This is the latest upgrade on ancient paganism.
They serve a woke god created in their own image,
not the holy and righteous, sovereign Lord.
Notice no mention of Jesus Christ and his atoning death on Calvary,
nor of the words of Jesus, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” (John 14:6)
I like the Congregation from “Beneath the Planet of the Apes” better!
So when do they ditch the Bible and write their own? Then we really can have an Adam and Steve.
Did any of these folks read the Bible?