Woke Pastrix Gives Permission for Congregants to ‘leave the church and drive away’ If Reading Psalm 51 is Too Triggering+ “Prioritize your care.”

Have mercy on me, O God, according to your unfailing love; according to your great compassion blot out my transgressions. Wash away all my iniquity and cleanse me from my sin. For I know my transgressions, and my sin is always before me. Against you, you only, have I sinned and done what is evil in your sight; so you are right in your verdict and justified when you judge. Psalm 51:1-4
New Creation Fellowship Church in Newton, KS, is led by impastor Shauna Green, a queer theologian” and a she/they “Anti-Racism Educator who recently joined the church given a calling (by the devil himself) in the summer of last year.
The church is part of the Mennonite Church USA, an Anabaptist denomination currently in the croaking stage of a death rattle following decades of promotion and promulgation of same-sex celebrations. The denomination has advocated for the full inclusion of LGBTQ folks since 1976, a progressive hot take that took its toll on their already sparse and meager numbers. With several high-profile conferences splitting off the MCUSA over the years following continued leftist positioning, they now have less than 400 congregations left.
During a recent sermon on the famous confession of sin from King David after being exposed with Bathsheba, Green took great pains to offer a ton of qualifiers and preamble to her message, noting that the “touchy” topic is something she “intentionally stayed away from.”
Green, who believes David raped Bathsheba and that his confession was self-serving, selfish, and unrepentant, says just thinking about having to read and preach on the subject made her “anxious,” which turned to full fear,” and that she was glad when the reader of the lectionary expressed his discomfort with text when he read it, which mirrored her own.
She then gives congregations her blessing to leave the room or even leave the church if reading the scripture is too triggering, telling them they need to “prioritize their care.”
The number of godless, biblically illiterate pretend-pastors today hardly elicits a word from many believers who have no idea how bad things have gotten.
This would be troubling if it wasn’t endemic in the ‘church’
Now it is merely sad 😔
The number of godless, biblically
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