Unholy Trinity of Woke Churches Sponsor ‘Glitter Ash Wednesday’

The unholy trinity of Jesus-hating denominations recently colluded at Fort Hays State University, putting on a celebration of Ash Wednesday where glitter was mixed in with the ashes to celebrate, “center,” and foster inclusion within the LGBTQ community.
The event was put on by Us4U, a faith-based service organization sponsored by the United Methodist Campus Ministry and supported by the Trinity Lutheran Church of Hays and St. John Lutheran Church of Russell.

While protestants shouldn’t even be celebrating Ash Wednesday to begin with, this service was particularly garish, with anyone of any belief invited to participate, with Us4U advisor Cheryl Duffy insisting “There is a tradition of exclusion, and we don’t feel it really reflects what Jesus was about. Jesus was about love and inclusion, and we want to open up that tradition to everyone.”

The Hays Post reports that attendees were given the choice to be blessed with the traditional ashes or ones mixed with glitter, with an Us4U information card at the event reading:
“Glitter is a sign of hope, which does not despair. It signals our promise to repent, to show up, to witness, to work. Glitter never gives up — and neither do we. Glitter+Ash captures the relationship between death and new life.”
Most chose the latter.
“There is a tradition of exclusion, and we don’t feel it really reflects what Jesus was about,” , Us4U adviser, said. “Jesus was about love and inclusion, and we want to open up that tradition to everyone.
Ben Houchen, the pastor of St. Michael’s Episcopal Church in Hays, smudged on the ashes, explaining that it was his honor to do so.
“This is a day that requires all of us to remember where we come from and where we end up. That is a thing that should bring us unity. We all experience that.
Specifically being able to bring in the unity of the LGBTQ+ community that has so often been excluded from church spaces is a very important thing for us to be able to do.”
If churches glorifying mental illness/sexual confusion/sexual immorality isn’t a sign of the last days, I don’t know what is…
Heresy stacked upon heresy.
Who would have thought it ?.