Planned Parenthood’s New Ad Campaign Insists Virginity ‘Isn’t a Real Thing’+ is ‘Whack’

The apex predator of the baby-killing world, Planned Parenthood, has launched a new ad campaign seeking to convince its target audience that virginity “is a completely made-up concept” and is a ” term that was created simply to control and shame people, mainly women.”

The murderous org, which has everything to gain by its insidious rhetoric, goes on to explain that “medically, ‘virginity’ isn’t a real thing” and shouldn’t be tied to the presence or absence of the hymen, which can tear or stretch through a variety of non-sexual activities:

Another reason the idea of virginity is whack, is that sex means different things to different people. Generally speaking society tends to define sex in a very narrow way: penetration – penis into vagina. But where does that definition leave queer people? Or folks who can’t, or don’t, have penis-in-vagina sex, and choose to have oral, anal, or another type of sex instead?

The presenter concludes by insisting that “sex is defined by one thing and one thing only. YOU. You get to decide and define what sex – and virginity- mean for you” and that “It’s time to throw away the notion of “losing your virginity”! What if instead of “losing” something we reframe it as “gaining”? Because, the truth is, when we make our own decision to become sexually active, we aren’t setting ourselves up to lose anything at all! We hope we are gaining things like intimacy, self insight , pleasure, and empowerment. All of these myths around sex and virginity can be so hurtful and overwhelming.”

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23 thoughts on “Planned Parenthood’s New Ad Campaign Insists Virginity ‘Isn’t a Real Thing’+ is ‘Whack’

  1. The eternal message from the godless to the godless: “Whatever you want to do is right” – or in Aleister Crowley’s words: “Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.”

  2. People just don’t get it. It’s an attack on us as believers. If you do away with virginity, then you do away with the virgin birth of Christ.

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