Anne Voskamp To Be Speaker at Upcoming TGC Conference

In a few months, The Gospel Coalition is putting on their TGCW24 conference and will include speakers such as Jen Wilkin, Kristie Anyabwile, Rachel Gilson, Rebecca McLaughlin, David Platt, and Anne Voskamp, the latter of which, if you think about it, really is a perfect fit.

Ann Voskamp is perhaps best known for romanticizing her relationship with God in her book One Thousand Gifts. Voskamp’s messages about intimacy with Jesus frequently leave one squirming with discomfort, and her mystical descriptions of her encounters with the Lord come across as some spiritual sexytime with Jesus where she’s always trying to cop a feel. Some of her quotes include:
“I fly to Paris and discover how to make love to God.”
“God makes love with grace upon grace, every moment a making of His love for us. Couldn’t I make love to God, making every moment love for Him? To know Him the way Adam knew Eve. Spirit skin to spirit skin?”“I run my hand along the beams over my loft bed, wood hewn by a hand several hundred years ago. I can hear Him. He’s calling for a response; He’s calling for oneness. Communion”
“I remember this feeling. The way my apron billowed in the running, the light, the air. The harvest moon. I remember. The yearning. To merge with Beauty Himself. But here…….Now? Really?…….I am not at all certain that I want consummation…….And who wouldn’t cower at the invitation to communion with limitless Holiness Himself?”
We last wrote about Voskamp after she claimed the cross symbolizes ‘hospitality’ because Jesus has ‘his arms open wide’ and after she and her ministry were revealed to be part of Hillsong Famil, which once saw her receive $107,000 for a single conference appearance. In his book review, Tim Challies summarizes her theology in this manner:
Her theology is an eclectic combination of Protestantism and Catholic or Catholic-influenced mysticism. She either quotes or is influenced by authors like Henri Nouwen, Brennan Manning, Teresa of Avila, Brother Lawrence, Annie Dillard, and Dallas Willard. This brings to the book a deep-rooted mysticism that at times seems even to border on the view that the divine exists within and extends to all parts of nature (a teaching known as panentheism). At heart, mysticism promotes the view that God can be experienced, and perhaps even best experienced, outside of Scripture
According to the speaker schedule, she will be speaking on cultivating joy and will participate in a roundtable about ministry partners over Instagram friends.

No word yet if her book will be available at the book store.
Ewwww!! 🤮🤮
Too much of CCM hints at the ‘Jesus as my boyfriend’ meme.
She takes that to a gross level 🤢