Hillsong College Shuts Down in USA+ Bad PR and Sex Probe to Blame?

Hillsong Church is shutting down their USA-based Hillsong College this coming May, according to a press release by the embattled organization.
Hillsong College, which launched in Phoenix, AZ in late 2019 and then moved to new location in California in late 2022, described the shutdown as a “strategic transition for a promising future.” Hillsong, which has been hemorrhaging money and people since 2022 following the termination of founder Brian Hillsong and the revelation that the church has been engaging in grossly abusive and wasteful monetary practices, insists this is not a conclusion but rather a “strategic pause as we embark on developing a new College model for Hillsong’s future globally” and “part of a strategic refocus of the College’s leadership development and education strategy, aligning with Hillsong Church’s global strategy and mission.”
Despite insisting last year that the College, which charges up to $13,000 a year for a degree in ministry, would stay around for years to come, it had been plagued by bad PR and accusations over its code of conduct and practices, which many in the liberal media have claimed is akin to promoting “rape culture.”
Along with teaching that wives must “submit sexually” to their own husbands, as part of the college code of conduct, students must “abstain from biblically immoral practices,” including drunkenness, profane language, occult practices, and “sexual sins.”
They are also not allowed to date anyone in the first semester, must get permission if and when they ultimately do, and if they break up with their boyfriend or girlfriend, they must wait for three months before they can start a new relationship. Some students have said they were fined $50 if they engaged in fornication.
Furthermore, a recent exposé by Faith on Trial podcast took Hillsong to task last year over a practice that the College has of asking students if they’ve been “drunk, had sex or watched porn” in the year before attending, with some students claiming that if they answered “yes” they were barred from working with children.”
Given that Hillsong is a mammon-loving hot mess of heresy, the less influence they have, the better, and we applaud and encourage their piecemeal and wholesale destruction.
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Finally, some good news…