Greg Locke Reconciles With Opponent After Ugly Flat-Earth Debate + ‘I asked him to forgive me’

Weeks after a contentious falt-earth debate that saw Global Vision Bible Church pastor Greg Locke throw his opponent out of his church, the two have come together and reconciled.
Locke shared the news to his congregation during his December 17th sermon, revealing that he apologized to pastor Dean Odle for getting “a little hot under the collar’ following their ugly and messy event that ultimately saw police called. Admitting that his church is as guilty as the next for “fighting stupid battles” Locke says that he wants to start the year fresh and refocused on the things that matter.
We’ve not made a big public thing out of it because this is not a PR stunt, this is a ‘make sure your heart’s right before the Lord deal.’ And I told him, I said ‘look we’re worlds no pun intended apart brother. We ain’t never going to agree on this issue, but I just want everybody to know in the house, and I want everybody to know online that’s been extraordinarily antagonistic.. I reached out to Pastor Dean Odle.
And I want you all to know yes, we do not agree in some massive areas, right? There were some people that were on the front end of that thing that sowed a lot of discord and division that we didn’t know about at the moment that caused this thing to get stirred up a little bit more than it should have got stirred up.
Sharing that Odle was coming back into the area soon, Locke suggested the two might meet up and reconcile in person.
“We said you know what? Life’s too short to disagree about secondary issues and not at least be friendly about stuff. So we apologized to each other, I asked him to forgive me for getting a little hot under the collar and we buried the hatchet. And he can believe what he wants to about the shape of the world, I’ll believe what I want to about the shape of the world, I think what the church needs to figure out is the shape of their heart. Okay? So we’re not enemies in the gospel.”
Frankly, I don’t understand the need to debate the shape of the world in the church in the first place.
Cosmology is very important, for sure, but the flat earthers are being deceived by some very non-Christian agitators. Freeing folks from that deception is an important task of discipleship.