Michael Brown Defends Mike Bickle’s Legacy, the New Apostolic Reformation

(Evangelical Dark Web) Whereas some men are apologists for Creation, others the historicity of the bible, Michael Brown is the most prolific apologist for hypercharismatic Christianity. Because of certain culture war issues, Brown gained clout with many Christians and conservatives, much as teachers like Eric Metaxas, Sean Feucht, or Mark Driscoll, where people appreciate their stances on cultural issues without understanding their underlying theological backgrounds—for better or worse. Despite a library of evidence going back years, many who are casual observers do not reconcile Brown as a Nar-pologist. Defending the New Apostolic Reformation is defending increasing depths of depravity and leads to inevitably more convoluted apologetics, which Brown has demonstrated.
Sermon At IHOP
In the recent fallout of Mike Bickle at the International House of Prayer, Kansas City (IHOPKC), Michael Brown would preach at IHOPKC, where he advocated for the church to permit the investigative process to bear itself out and to fixate on Jesus and not on teachers. He instructed listeners not to… to continue reading click here.
This article was written by Anthony Fava and published at The Evangelical Dark Web
Good grief, these people are incorrigible, demonstrating again they have absolutely no knowledge of Scripture, or any confidence in the sufficiency of Scripture. And it’s not just IHOP with Bickle; it’s Harvest with Macdonald and Willow with Hybels, and the list goes on and on.
Why is it always the default position of these mega churches and mega ministries and Big Eva to look to third party investigators, to hire outside law firms, when things go bad in the ethics department?
Addressing precisely this kind of situation in I Corinthians 6, Paul writes,
“Does any one of you, when he has a case against his neighbor, dare to go to law before the unrighteous, and not before the saints? … If then you have law courts dealing with matters of this life, do you appoint them as judges who are of no account in the church?
I say this to your shame. Is it so, that there is not among you one wise man who will be able to decide between his brethren? …” Apparently not at IHOP, or Willow, or Harvest.
Has IHOP never read Mattew 18:15-19? Oh, that’s right, IHOP is not a local church, the only organization instituted and blood-bought by our Savior; they’re an independent, autonomous unaccountable “ministry” of some sort, with no semblance to or connection to the local church.
Elijah rebuked Ahaziah in II Kings 1, “is it because there is no God in Israel, that you have sent to Baal?”
Whatever the outcome of Bickle’s situation – and it appears even by his own confession that he was guilty of gross immorality over an extended period of time – IHOP itself and much of Big Eva will remain irredeemable until they return to the truth and sufficiency of Scripture.
For the life of me, I can’t fathom any biblically literate, discerning individual of God defending or promoting the NAR.