Mini Documentary: Speaker Mike Johnson Intentionally Killed Legislation That Would Have Ended Abortion

(The Dissenter) Mike Johnson, the esteemed House Speaker and a reputed conservative Christian figure, is currently embroiled in a controversy that challenges his long-held pro-life stance. Allegations have emerged, accusing Johnson of covertly working against legislation aimed at ending abortion in Louisiana, a move that starkly contradicts his public persona and professed beliefs.

Mike Johnson, known for his meteoric rise within the Republican Party and his connections to the Southern Baptist Convention’s Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission (ERLC), has, on the surface, been a vocal advocate for conservative Christian values, particularly on issues related to the sanctity of life. His public declarations have consistently aligned with the orthodox Christian doctrine that life begins at conception and must be protected.

However, in a revealing conversation between Pastor Jeff Durbin of Apologia Church and Pastor Brian Gunter of Louisiana, a different narrative has surfaced. The discussion details Johnson’s alleged behind-the-scenes maneuvers to kill House Bill 8813, titled “The Abolition of Abortion in Louisiana Act.” This bill, if passed…to continue reading, click here. To watch the video directly, have at ‘er.

This article was written and published at the Dissenter.

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