Ben Shapiro and Candace Owens ‘Destroy’ Each Other Over the Use of Scripture, But Who is Right?

Daily Wire hosts Ben Shapiro and Candace Owens have brought their simmering feud to the public, seeking to ‘destroy’ each other over a couple of posts that have scripture as their center.
Ever since Hamas murdered 1200 Israelis and kidnapped hundreds more, Shapiro, an orthodox Jew, has been raging about the terroristic attacks, both against the perpetrators and those who are giving them cover. He, like many in Israel, views the actions against the country as an existential threat that will only be mitigated by Hamas being decisively dismantled. Any collateral damage to civilian life, though seeking to be minimized, is the fault of Hamas, and responsibility must be laid there.
On the other hand, while Owens would likewise decry the worst attack on the Jews since the Holocaust, she’s also an isolationist and contrarian who has been playing the game for a long time. She’s been busy spending the last month engaged in “question asking” – a tactic used to say a lot while insisting she’s saying nothing at all.
In response to Israel’s activities in Gaza, she is not openly condemning them, but the “questions” she is asking makes it clear she sees some sort of moral equivalency and culpability between a dead Israeli that was raped, beheaded, and set on fire by a monstrous zealot, and a dead Gazan who was unfortunately (and occasionally unintentionally) killed in a surgical airstrike. As for whether there should be a cease-fire, if college kids protesting in support of Hamas should be blacklisted, or if the United States should even involve itself in giving aid and support to Israel in the first place, there are “questions” about that too.
The fracas came to a head after Shapiro told a group of students that Owens’ behavior and public statements throughout this conflict had been ‘absolutely disgraceful’- prompting Owens to weaponize scripture by posting a passive-aggressive jab at her employer.

No stranger to her shtick, Shapiro, who discerned that Owens wasn’t merely quoting that particular bible verse for the edification of her soul, utterly unrelated to the fact that her boss, who pays her a lot of money, called her out for her viewpoints and convictions.

Due to her obstreperous nature, Owens is not about to squander an opportunity to engage in some good old-fashioned faux-outrage. Owens feigned offense and purposefully chose to publicly and intentionally misinterpret Shapiro’s post, as if his concern was she was quoting scripture rather than the message she was seeking to convey with the scripture quoted.

It’s all so disingenuous. While Shapiro routinely butchers the bible whenever he seeks to interpret it, Owens has long ago mastered the art of wielding scripture as a weapon, conveniently bringing it out whenever it is the most advantageous and putting it away when it conflicts with her own unscriptural moral values. Her efforts in this instance to paint herself as a Christian being persecuted for her faith by posting are singularly transparent, and will only fool the ones wanting to be fooled.

As a devout Jew, this slaughter has obviously affected Shapiro deeply and I do not fault him for his moral outrage. Anyone asserting ANY level of moral equivalency to this event deserves to be derided, IMHO. Owens’ quoting that particular Scripture infers that she believes Israel should not retaliate for this demonic attack – I can see why Shapiro would see red.
The sheer amount of bias and poisoning the well in this post are shameful. I don’t have a dog in this particular fight, but “Staff Writer” certainly does. And what’s the deal with hiding your name anyway? Is it a cowardly move or something else?
Owens is a shameless grifter and Shapiro is an Israel first schill. A pox on both their houses
Israel does not deserve unconditional support from anyone; especially not the Evangelical community.
Modern Israel is a wholly secular nation that hates God and rejects Jesus. Modern Talmudic Judaism is an evil religion that hates Christianity, rejects Jesus and abandoned God.
They rejected God. God rejected them. They were God chosen people, and may well be again, but the Church has been grafted on while they have been cut off. They may come to a saving knowledge of God but they are not worthy of any allegiance from Believers who they would just as soon as revile and spit upon. They hate Jesus and do not deserve our unvarnished support.
Yes, Hamas attacked, killed and kidnapped many and will bear the consequences. But there is much that we don’t fully see that needs to be made more clear
This isn’t about Evangelicals supporting Israel, it’s about the US doing so.
There is nothing to be ‘fully seen’ – the atrocities were real and those proxies who carried them out deserve destruction, period.
what’s clear is you are a devil, either from mecca or worse..the vatican!
Candance Owens doesn’t understand the Scriptures or their meaning. She likely has no idea what the Beatitudes are actually about. Samuel Sey on the other hand, is an excellent brother with valuable opinions. If you have not heard of Samuel, find his blog “Slow to Write”.
There is a tweet from Samuel calling out Candance in the story above.