IHOP Drops Prominent Law Firm Handling Mike Bickle’s Abuse Investigation After Online Outcry

The International House of Prayer in Kansa City has dropped the law firm they previously chose to help them investigate the sexual abuse allegations against leader Mike Bickle, saying that “Third parties that claim to represent alleged victims have communicated a lack of trust in the national law firm IHOPKC engaged to lead the inquiry.”
In truth, IHOP sustained heavy criticism of their decision to hire this large firm, which many have claimed would not be impartial and whose track record and expertise in dealing with abuse victims is questionable. Before this announcement, a Change.org petition requestion alternate representation garnered nearly 3000 responses, which declared:
We officially call on IHOPKC to invite GRACE (Godly Response to Abuse in the Christian Environment) to conduct a true third-party investigation into the sexual abuse allegations and the systemic environment at IHOPKC in order to protect the interests of the alleged victims and current congregants. Furthermore, we implore IHOPKC to allow GRACE to publicly publish their findings without restriction by IHOPKC or its leadership.
On account of the outcry, they have terminated their contract with Stinson LLP. While they have not procured GRACE’s services, they have instead selected a smaller, unnamed firm to begin conducting interviews with the alleged victims, explaining that “That local firm has already begun outreach to the few alleged victims whose identities are known, as well as the individuals claiming to represent anonymous Jane Does.”

Okay, whatever.
With each mistake, IHOPKC just demonstrates their lack of commitment to arriving at a equitable resolution for the victims.