SBC President Bart Barber Inspires Impromptu Fundraising Drive For SBC Pastor Dusty Deevers Senate Candidacy

SBC President Bart Barber was recently caught meddling in an out-of-state election with the specific intent of kneecapping the electoral chances of abolitionist SBC Pastor and Oklahoma State Senate candidate Dusty Deevers. Barber’s rhetoric against Deevers is being actively used by Larry Bush, the Democrat candidate running against Deevers, to portray Deevers as an extremist who doesn’t have the support of the SBC. He said of him last year:

Disclosures by the Oklahoma Ethics Commission further revealed that Barber put his money where his mouth was in the primary election, giving a $100 campaign contribution to one of Deevers’ moderate Republican challengers. With his reputation on the line, Barber took to Twitter, publishing an open letter that he plans to send to the editor of the Lawton Constitution, a local newspaper in Dusty Deevers district.

Barber’s non-apology to Deevers and defense of himself as a victim of those who use his “likeness and words” to “debase further our political process” was summarily met with Twitter ratio, some who pointed out that even his apology tacitly attacked Deevers by the way he positioned and justified his efforts.

Defense of Barber was sparse with only a few SBC institutionalists daring to lend him support.

Revelations of Bart Barber’s actions against the candidacy of Dusty Deevers resulted in a wave of campaign contributions to the Deevers campaign from Christians across the country. Pledges and calls to donate to the campaign came by the dozens, with donations coming in from pastors and congregants of many different corners of evangelicalism. Many from both sides of the Christian Nationalism debate took a break from what has been a months-long back-and-forth Twitter battle to join in the common cause of supporting a Christian brother running for office to abolish abortion, with just a small sampling below:

Pastor Deevers, who is mourning the loss of his father who passed away this weekend, took the events of the last week in stride, recognizing Divine Providence in the course of God sovereignly writing his story.

To read more of all the ways Barber has slandered Deevers:


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