ERLC President Brent Leatherwood Rips Steven Crowder for Releasing Three Pages of Nashville Shooter Manifesto

In a press conference at what appeared to be the press room for the Southern Baptist Convention’s Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission (ERLC), president Brent Leatherwood made an impassioned plea for continued censorship of remaining evidence collected from deceased Covenant School shooter Aubrey Hale, stating, “Parents and families came together to prevent this exact moment from happening,” and yet Stephen Crowder and other outlets who shared the pages “allowed this woman who terrorized our family with bullets, to be able to now terrorize us with words from the grave.”
Leatherwood, a parent of Covenant School children, has been vocally against the release of the manifesto despite the shooter being dead and leading an organization ostensibly committed to protecting the free expression rights of Southern Baptists.
Conservative journalist and podcaster Steven Crowder came into possession of three pages of Hale’s writings and released them on social media as well as his Louder With Crowder show. Big tech platforms like Google, Facebook, and Reddit flipped into high gear to censor mentions of the information, forming an unusual alliance between woke pro-transgender forces and the seemingly conservative Christian primary school, who have both been fighting against the release of the evidence.
Leatherwood told the gathered reporters, “Our parents are still committed – our families are still committed – to doing everything we can to make sure that none of the rest of this sees the light of day because we don’t want our children to someday read this stuff,” and noted that none of the parents have been given access to the manifesto, leading to questions about how the group represented by Leatherwood could possibly know what they were censoring.
This is a quickly developing story. Stay tuned.
We noticed how many 🐺’s came out of the wood work during Covid that bowed to Caesar and made getting an experimental shot caused by Scientific hanky panky an issue against true Christian people. What’s coming apocalypticly in the next year or so will flush more out. Leatherwood is an archetype of the continuing apostasia in American Churches.
Just curious, are you a product of the American education system?
This has nothing to do with protecting children, and everything to do with hiding the truth and protecting their anti gun agenda.
What’s with their irrational fear of the truth?
Somebody needs to remind these people that Christianity is all about truth.
“Who is this uncircumcised philistine that he should defy the armies of the Living God?” In Brent’s world David should have said “Goliath has some issues he needs to deal with. We need to give him some space and intense therapy to work thru his rage”.
Stuffed animals and cookies would also have been helpful.
First they would have confiscated David’s slingshot.
I think they give Hale way too much credit. She hardly had the intelligence to compose a “manifesto”. It is simply the scribblings of an unstable, bitter, murderous, and godless young woman.
The ERLC and Learherwood are prime examples of what it looks like to be ashamed of Christ.